Notes on Linux Geared towards Red Hat 8/Fedora versions Window Managers and DEs ----------------------- FVWM F Virtual Window Manager GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment for Linux - window manager is mwm, Metacity Window Manager - file manager is nautilus - taskbar is gnome-panel KDE 'K' Desktop Environment for Linux - window manager is kwin - file manager is kfm - taskbar is kicker ICEWM ICE Window Manager MWM Motif Window Manager TWM Tab Window Manager XFCE XForms Common Environment (originally) - window manager is Xfwm - file manager is thunar Helpful tips ------------ You can move or resize a window by right clicking on the horizontal bar at the top or along the perimeter of the window. This is sometimes necessary if you change screen resolutions and the window's widgets move off-screen. apps ---- 7za e file.7z extract 7z file 7z x test1.cbr extract cbr file (use 7z if unrar or rar e fails) 9vx.Linux -u glenda run plan 9 under linux anytooff sphere.mesh > convert mesh to off file vrml2oogl < test1.wrl > apout -type v6 ar-old t liba.a list files in archive liba.a for unix v6 appres list X application resource database amixer set Master 15 set volume at 50% (range is 0 to 31) /sbin/apcaccess status Show status of ups /sbin/apcaccess status server show status of ups on server /sbin/arp -a Show arp cache ar x libSDL.a Extract files from an archive ar t libmenu.a list object files in libmenu.a arecord -d 60 -c 2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -t wav -D copy foobar24.wav record a 60 second wav file arj x test.arj extract files from arj file arp -a show arp system cache arp -n show mac addresses on lan and skip dns lookups artsd run the KDE sound server aterm -tr -fg white Run aterm with transparency on and foreground is white aterm -bg black -fg white Run aterm with black background and white foreground aumix adjust volume at the command line baby-gui-game-archive Loads a list of chess games in pgn format bc -l <<< "ibase=2;obase=2;1010 + 1010" Add two binary numbers together bchunk -w output.wav ape.cue result split output.wav into separate tracks bin2iso file.cue -c file.bin Create cue file for file.bin bin2iso file.cue Create iso file using bin and cue file bitmap create a bitmap bitmap -size 400x300 create a bitmap of size 400x300 blkid utility to locate/print block device attributes blockdev --getbsz /dev/sda1 get blocksize for sda1 cam -s 0 -r 1 Retrieve 1st pic from Kodak DC215 cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom Rip audio cd cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom -x -t 1+20 -B Rip audio cd with 20 tracks to separate files cdrecord dev=ATAPI -scanbus Check for IDE burners cdrecord-prodvd -checkdrive dev=ATAPI:0,1,0 shows what drive can do cdrecord dev=1,1,0 -checkdrive newer method cdrecord -v -dev=1,0,0 speed=1 -dao -pad -useinfo track-01.wav ... make audio cd from wav file(s) cdrecord -v -dev=/dev/hdd speed=1 -dao -pad -useinfo track-1.wav track-2.wav newer versions of cdrecord use a differnet device name cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=ATAPI:/dev/hdd speed=40 -dao driveropts=burnfree cuefile=videocd.cue -eject use cue file to write svcd cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=ATAPI:0,1,0 speed=8 -dao driveropts=burnfree cuefile=DATCD.cue -eject use cue file to write audio cd clamscan -r --mbox /var/spool/mail Scan mailboxes for viruses composite -dissolve 50 pic1.jpg pic2.jpg combo.jpg dissolve pic1 into pic2 creating combo convert *.xwd img_%04d.png convert all xwd files to png convert *.jpeg my_movie.mpeg convert jpeg files to mpeg convert -size 640x480 xc:"#000000ff" bl.jpg create a jpg convert -append one.jpg two.jpg combo.jpg append two images top to bottom convert one.jpg -type TrueColor two.jpg convert jpeg to TrueColor convert *.jpg -resize 640x480 -bordercolor white -border 640x480 -gravity center -crop 640x480+0+0 %02d.jpg convert all jpg files to 640x480 and preserve aspect ratio convert -size 640x480 -colors 2 -type TrueColor -background black -fill white -pointsize 40 label:"SeaBIOS Hit F12 for bootmenu\nVersion 0.6.1" test.jpg convert 4dot-2stumpa.png -crop 195x170+0+0 region1.png crop region for wincube screenshot convert -scale 600% pic.jpg picx6.jpg convert -scale 60% cube-motif-pic.png cube-web-pic.png convert -define pdf:use-trimbox=true * book.pdf make a pdf from image files convert file.pdf image.png divide pdf file into individual images convert -gamma 2.2 -set colorspace sRGB *.jpg adjust gamma convert file.dib file.png convert dib files to png convert file.jpg -splice 0x10 splice_top.jpg add 10 pixels of white space to top of image (needs imagemagick version 6 or higher) convert file.jpg -splice 10x0 splice_left.jpg add 10 pixels of white space to left of image convert -append mb1.jpg 12-stars-order-2a.png out.jpg stack two images vertically cpulimit --limit=50 --pid=5552 & limit process 5552 to 50% of cpu cut -b 7-40 text.txt > text-col.txt cut out a column of text from postition 7 to 40 curl dict://$1 bash script to look up dictionary meaning of a word cvs -v display version of cvs cvs -d co openmotif checkout openmotif source code cvt 800 600 calculate VESA Coordinated Video Timing for 800x600 darkstat shows network traffic display pic.png display a picture file (part of imagemagick) dos2unix file convert file from dos format to unix format dos2unix -c mac convert file using mac conversion method dos2unix --version display version of dos2unix dosbox config -writeconf dosbox.conf run dosbox and create dosbox.conf dosbox . run dosbox and mount current directory as drive c: dosbox -conf dosboxLOL2.conf LOLG.EXE run dosbox with LOL2 conf (too slow on P3) dosbox . -c lolg.exe -CD DAT new method for gog lol2 under linux /sbin/dumpe2fs /dev/hdc1 -h show superblock information for partition hdc1 /sbin/dumpkeys dump keyboard translation tables dvdauthor -o test -x dvd.xml create dvd file system in subdirectory test using dvd.xml as a template dvdbackup -M -i/dev/dvd -o/temp create a duplicate of a dvd dvdbackup -i /dev/cdrom -o /mnt/usb1/video/tmp -e 27 create a backup of a dvd with 1 title and 27 chapters dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/cdrom1 display media info edict word give dictionary entry for word editres dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications note that at the upper left there is a movable rectangle one can use to pan the main screen around (see also listres) elvis edit a URL emacs -nw run the emacs editor in text mode eog Eye of Gnome, image viewer ethereal Packet Sniffer festival --tts file.txt convert text file to speech text2wave test.txt -o test.wav convert text to wav evince -p 31 doc.pdf read doc.pdf starting on page 31 fbc freebasic compiler fbc -lang deprecated fibonacci.bas compile old-style basic program fbi image.png linux framebuffer imageviewer fc-cache -f -v build font information cache files fc-list list available fonts ffmpeg -i testo.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 testo.mpg convert flash video to mpeg ffmpeg -i test.flv -target ntsc-vcd test.mpg convert flash video to vcd compliment mpg ffmpeg -i test.flv -ac 2 -target ntsc-vcd test.mpg convert flash video to vcd with stereo ffmpeg -i test.avi -target dvd -sameq output.mpg convert avi video to dvd compliant mpeg file ffmpeg -i test.wmv -aspect 4:3 -target dvd -sameq output.mpg convert wmv video to dvd compliant mpeg file ffmpeg -i test.avi -target ntsc-dvd -sameq test.mpg -aspect 4:3 convert avi video to ntsc-dvd ffmpeg -i test.wma -acodec vorbis -aq 100 test.ogg convert wma audio to ogg ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -target dvd -sameq output.mpg convert mp4 to dvd ffmpeg -i 1.vob -target ntsc-dvd -r '30000/1001' -aspect 4:3 -acodec copy output1.mpg convert pal vob to ntsc dvd ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -s 640x350 -sameq new.mp4 -aspect 16:9 downgrade resolution (in this case original is 1920x1080) ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -aspect 16:9 -s 640x350 -sameq output.mpg same as above but convert to mpg ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -s 640x350 -sameq new.mp4 -aspect 16:9 -r 59.940 downgrade resolution but specify framerate as 59.940 ffmpeg -loop_input -shortest -y -i image8.jpg -i sound11.amr -acodec copy -vcodec mjpeg result.avi encode one jpg with audio into avi ffmpeg -i test.swf test.flv attempt to convert swf to flv ffmpeg -i file.ape output.wav convert ape file to wav ffmpeg -i file.rm file.wav convert rm file to wav ffmpeg -y -i ao.mkv -f dvd -target ntsc-dvd -b 5000k -r 29.97 -s 720x480 -ar 48000 -ab 384k ao.mpg convert mkv video to dvd (specifying -s 640x350 should also work) ffmpeg -i test.webp test.jpg /usr/X11/bin/ffmpeg -ss 00:00:08 -t 1 -i file.mp4 -f mjpeg test01.jpg using older ffmpeg version 0.6 to capture pics at 8 seconds ffplay rtmp:// listen to us open tennis radio 2011 & 2012 ffplay rtmp:// listen to australian open tennis radio 2012 (look for radioConfig.xml file) ffplay rtmp:// listen to australian open tennis radio 2013 wget ffplay rtmp:// listen to french open tennis radio 2012 ffplay rtmp:// listen to wimbledon tennis 2013 wget ffplay listen to grey cup 2012 ffplay -ss 1320 test.mp3 play mp3 file starting at 22 minutes ffplay -formats show available formats ffplay -vn file.mkv play audio only (disable video) figlet -d /usr/local/share/figlet this is a test display text as a banner date | figlet -k use figlet as a filter for date and don't smush characters firefox -v display version of firefox firefox -remote "openurl(" instruct a currently running firefox to open firefox -safe-mode start firefox in safe mode flac audio.wav Lossless audio compression, creates audio.flac fold -w80 -s file.txt > file-80.txt fold file into 80 character lines, break on space freewrl test.wrl run VRML files g++ lesson02.cpp -lSDL -lpthread compile a SDL program gconf-editor edit the gconf system gcc -dumpversion show version of gcc gcc --version show version of gcc gcc test.c -o test -g compile with debugging information gcc -time hello.c -o hello report amount of time taken by each process during compilation gcc -o arm4_hello arm4_hello.c -larm4 compile hello world for arm gcc -std=c99 gamma1.c -o gamma1 -lm compile using the C99 standard gcc test1.c -o test1 -lasound compile alsa program gcc test1.c -o test 2> errs.txt compile test1 and redirect standard error to errs.txt /usr/local/musl/bin/musl-gcc hello.c compile using musl (uses leaner version of libc.a) gdb program run gnu debugger with program (to set arguments, e.g. set args file) gpg -c file.txt encrypt file (remember to delete original file!) gpg file.txt.gpg decrypt file gimp file.psd use gimp to read psd files gkrellm gnu krell monitor glade-2 glade interface designer glxinfo display information about a glx extension and OpenGL renderer glxgears test video performance gmodplay gtk program that plays mod files gnash -V display version of gnash file-roller gnome archive manager gataxx Gnome ataxx gedit Gnome text editor gnome-calculator gnome scientific calculator (also called gcalctool) gnome-character-map shows all 255 characters gnome-dictionary gnome dictionary gnome-help Gnome help system gnome-sound-properties sets sound properties gnome-system-monitor shows processes and system load gnome-pdf-viewer gnome pdf viewer gnome-terminal Gnome terminal emulation (maximize with alt-f10) gnomeradio Gnome radio program gucharmap Gnome character map gnuplot spirograph.txt plot a spirograph with gnuplot gocr -d -1 -v 1 scan.jpeg > output.txt convert scan.jpeg to text format gphoto2 --port "serial:/dev/ttyS0" --camera "Kodak DC210" --shell access gphoto2 shell to get or delete pictures gphoto2 --port "serial:/dev/ttyS0" --camera "Kodak DC210" -P --speed 38400 download all pictures gphoto2 --auto-detect -P auto-detect camera and download all pictures gqview gnu image viewer gqview -f -s display slideshow of files in current directory gqview --version display version information growisofs --help display help for growisofs grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/hda reinstall grub gtk-gnutella run file sharing gvim vim with gtk frontend hwbrowser browse hardware hwinfo --framebuffer probe framebuffer hwinfo --cdrom probe cdrom id print real and effective UIDs and GIDs identify -format '%w %h\n' *.jpg report the width and height of jpg files in pixels identify -verbose file.jpg display more information on file.jpg ilbmtoppm test.lbm > test.ppm import test.png -delay 10 wait 10 seconds then get current window img2iso file.img file.iso convert img file to iso (isodump renamed) /usr/bin/internet-druid configure internet setup /usr/sbin/irattach /dev/ttyS1 -d actisys -s run irattach on COM2 isoinfo -i homedvd.img -l check iso file homedvd.img java -jar JNetCube.jar run a jar file java -classpath . test run class file test javac compile java program, creates class file java Hello execute java program java -version display java runtime version javaws freenet.jnlp execute java web start file jsattach --spaceorb /dev/ttyS0 attach a serial line to a joystick device idle python shell with gui abakus KDE superior calculator akregator KDE news aggregator amarok KDE audio player ark KDE archiving tool blinken KDE simon says type game easysok KDE sokoban game juk KDE jukebox and music manager k3b KDE CD/DVD burning facility k3b --version display version info kaboodle KDE lean media player kaddressbook KDE address book kaffeine KDE media player kaffeine --version display version info kalarm KDE personal alarm message, email scheduler kalzium KDE periodic table kanagram KDE anagram game kate KDE advanced text editor kaudiocreator KDE cd ripper kbarcode KDE barcode and label printing application kbruch KDE learning calculations with fractions kbugbuster KDE bug report system kcalc KDE calculator (convert hex to decimal) kcharselect KDE character selector (part of kdeutils) kcmshell KDE utility to host KDE control modules kcmshell --list KDE utility display all options kcmshell kdm KDE configure kdm (login manager) kcmshell display KDE configure control module for display kcmshell ebrowsing KDE configure control module for ebrowsing kcmshell thinkpad KDE configure Interface Thinkpad Special Controls kcmshell kwinrules KDE configure control module for window kcontrol KDE control centre kcron KDE task scheduler kdcop KDE graphic DCOP client/browser kdesu KDE su (run program with elevated privileges) kdevelop KDE integrated development environment kdict KDE dictionary kdiskfree KDE diskfree (reports % of use on each partition) kedit KDE text editor kedit --font KAPL.ttf use kedit with fonts for APL (does not work!) kexi KDE database creator kfind KDE graphical replacement for the find utility kfloppy KDE floppy utility kfontview KDE font viewer kget KDE download manager kghostview KDE ghostview kgoldrunner KDE game similar to loderunner kgpg KDE key management khangman KDE hangman game khelpcenter KDE documentation khelpcenter help:/kdcop invoke help for kdcop (useless) khelpcenter help:/konsole invoke help for konsole khelpcenter help:/ksokoban invoke help for ksokoban khelpcenter man:ls display man page for ls khexedit KDE hex editor khotkeys KDE hotkeys utility (via kcontrol -> regional -> keyboard shortcuts) note: do not use from konsole kig KDE interactive geometry kimagemapeditor KDE html imagemap editor kinfocenter KDE info centre (info on ports, irq, dma etc) kit KDE instant messenger kiten KDE japanese reference tool kivio KDE flowchart and diagram tool kjots KDE program to write short notes and organize them klettres KDE learn letters and sounds for different languages klinkstatus KDE web link checker klipper KDE clipboard utility (part of kdebase) kmahjongg KDE mahjong game kmines KDE mine sweeper kmix KDE mini mixer kmidi KDE midi player (from Redhat 8? discontinued) kmid KDE midi player (newer, by Antonio Larrosa Jimenez) kmldonkey KDE frontend for mldonkey kmplayer KDE frontend for mplayer kmplot KDE mathematical function plotter knetattach KDE wizard which makes it easier to integrate network knights KDE chess interface knode KDE news reader knotes KDE version of sticky notes kolourpaint KDE paint program konqueror KDE web browser and file manager konsole KDE terminal emulation konsole --types list konsole session types konsole --profile main run konsole with main profile kontact KDE personal information manager kontour KDE vector drawing program similar to Corel Draw (part of Koffice 1.1, now orphaned) kooka KDE scanner program kopete KDE (another) instant messenger korganzier KDE personal organizer (includes calendar) kpackage KDE package installer kpager KDE desktop pager kpaint KDE (another) paint program kpat KDE patience card games kpm KDE process manager kpdf KDE pdf viewer and printer kpercentage KDE program to improve your skills with percentages kppp KDE internet dialer kpoker KDE poker game kpovmodeler KDE modeler for POV-ray scenes kpresenter KDE presentation tool kradio KDE radio program krandrtray KDE resize and rotate screen utility krdc KDE remote desktop connection kregexpeditor KDE editor for regular expressions krfb KDE desktop sharing (used along with vncviewer or krdc) krita KDE koffice image manipulation application krename KDE batch file renamer, e.g. krename [0-9]* kreversi KDE othello krootimage KDE set desktop background for kdm kruler KDE screen ruler using pixels krusader KDE twin panel file editor kscd KDE cd player ksim KDE system monitor ksirc KDE IRC client ksirtet KDE tetris clone ksokoban KDE sokoban kstars KDE desktop planetarium ksnapshot KDE screen capture program kspread KDE spreadsheet program ksysguard KDE system guard ksysguardd KDE system guard daemon, necessary for ksysguard to work ksysv KDE SysV init editor kthesaurus KDE thesaurus ktimer KDE countdown timer, only accurate to 1 second ktip KDE useful tips ktouch KDE touch typing tutor ktron KDE light cycle game from tron ktuberling KDE potato game for kids kturtle KDE Logo programming language kuickshow KDE image viewer kuser KDE user editor kvoctrain KDE train vocabulary kweatherreport CWNC KDE weather report from metar station CWNC kwikdisk KDE mounting tool kwin4 KDE connect four kworldclock KDE world clock kview KDE image viewer #2 kword KDE word processor (handles rtf files) kwrite KDE another text editor (can use regular expressions) kxkb KDE keyboard tool meinproc KDE convert docbook files to html quanta KDE web development environment superkaramba KDE eye candy (utilities -> desktop -> superkaramba) kdialog --display :0 --msgbox "hallo" send a message to all users with kde kmixctrl --restore restore default volumes (needed for tv card) dcop KDE Console DCOP client, lists kde programs currently running dcop --user cubeman --list-sessions list active sessions for user cubeman dcop amarok player 'nowPlaying()' show what amarok is playing dcop klipper klipper setClipboardContents 12345 add text 12345 to klipper's history dcop klipper klipper getClipboardHistoryMenu get klipper history dcop kmix kmix-mainwindow#1 resize 1 1 sets kmix window to smallest size dcop kmix Mixer0 mixerName display name of the first mixer dcop kmix Mixer0 setVolume 0 0 set volume on first mixer device 0 to 0% dcop kmix Mixer0 toggleMute 6 toggle mute on device 6 (input line) dcop kmix Mixer0 setRecordSource 6 1 set device 6 as the record source dcop kmix Mixer0 mixerName return the name of the first mixer dcop knotes KNotesIface newNote "A note" "Stuff I want to keep track of" make a note for knotes dcop khello-13009 khello minimize minimze khello dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface currentWallpaper 1 return the name of the current wallpaper dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setWallpaper /home/cubeman/pics/computer-room-1.jpg 1 set the desktop wallpaper to a given file (note that full path must be used) dcop kdesktop default logout execute kde logout dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface setIconsEnabled false hide icons on desktop dcop ksokoban-1301 MainApplication-Interface quit (suffixed by pid) exit ksokoban-1301 dcop ksokoban-2581 ksokoban-mainwindow#1 resize 1 1 sets ksokoban-2581 window to smallest size dcop ksmserver ksmserver saveCurrentSession save current kde session dcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop 2 switch to desktop 2 dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION display a list of functions for konsole dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION encoding return the type of encoding konsole is using dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION renameSession test rename session to test dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION font display which font is used dcopfind dcopstart kbd_mode report or set the keyboard mode e.g. The keyboard is in raw (scancode) mode konsole --profile fc1 run konsole with a specific profile konsole --type fc1 --icon konsole1.png --miniicon konsole1.png run konsole with a specific type and icons konsole --help-all display all help for konsole konsole --keytabs list all available keytabs konsole --schemas list all available schemas kooka -d hp:/dev/usb/scanner0 run kooka for specific device kooka --geometry 600x600 run kooka sized to 600x600 kshell /usr/bin/kwrite foo.htm run kwrite to edit foo.htm useful for when you want to run commands from konsole which will run even after konsole session exits iconv --list list character sets lame sample.wav sample.mp3 convert wav to mp3 lame audio.wav -b 320 audio.mp3 convert wav to 320 kbps mp3 lame -h audio.wav audio.mp2 convert wav to mp2 lame file-in.mp3 -b 128 file-out.mp3 convert mp3 to 128 kbps lame --decode test.mp3 test.wav convert mp3 to wav latex2html sample.tex -image_type gif -split 0 convert latex file to html with one page and gifs lha x file.lha extract files from lha archive /lib/ display glibc version /lib64/ display glibc version on newer systems links -version display version of links links file:// open links at current directory listres list resources in widgets locale get locale specific information locale -a displays all locales installed locate xyz | grep -e xyz$ locate files ending in xyz locate -r httpd$ locate files ending in httpd sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 delete loop ltrace unirubik trace library calls made by unirubik luit -encoding 'ISO 8859-1' set ISO 8859-1 encoding lxdvdrip -st=copy backup a dvd lxdvdrip -st=mplayer -lang=en backup a dvd alternate method lxdvdrip -h -lang=en show help lxdvdrip -st=trans_par -lang=en -t=1 parallel transcoding title 1 lxdvdrip -st=vamps -f=2 -bp=1 -t=1 -lang=en title by title (cancel burning t=1,2,3 etc) lynx url run lynx on command line lynx --version display version of lynx mozilla url run mozilla on command line To remove lock file for mozilla: cd /home/cubeman/.mozilla/default/xxxxx.slt (substitute xxxxx for the directory name) rm lock make -f makefile.unix compile using makefile.unix as a makefile makemap -r hash genericstable.db < genericstable Update genericstable makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable.db < virtusertable Update virtusertable mail user Send mail to local user mail -s "You've got mail" send mail to address with subject "You've got mail" type in body of message and hit ctrl-d to send echo "Some message" | mail -s "meeting today" send email to mc visual shell for unix type systems can be used for undeleting files on ext2 partitions and viewing contents of rpm files shows numeric and character permissions of files mc --version display version info mc --color display in colour mode mc -a disable use of graphic characters for line drawing mcopy a:*.* . copy all msdos files in drive a: to current directory mformat -f 1440 a: format a 1.44 disk for msdos mformat -f 720 a: format a 720k disk for msdos mkfifo my_pipe create a named pipe called my_pipe /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -cv /dev/sde2 format logical partition on usb drive using ext2 filesystem /sbin/mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmcda1 format logical partition on sd card using ext2 filesystem sudo /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -cv /dev/sda3 format partition using ext4 filesystem /sbin/mkfs.vfat -cv /dev/sdc1 this is how I formated a 4 meg compact flash card mkisofs -dvd-video -o /mnt/r1/DVD/homedvd.img /mnt/r1/DVD/ make image for DVD mkisofs -dvd-video -udf -o dvd.iso dvd/ include udf support mkisofs -o knoppixmame.iso /newiso this is how I rebuild knoppixmame.iso mogrify -colors 2 pic.jpg reduce pic.jpg to 2 colours mogrify -transparent "#3d8ff3" pic.png make colour #3d8ff3 transparent in pic.png mogrify -modulate 120,120 *.jpeg increase brightness and saturation 20% mogrify -sharpen 10 pic.jpg sharpen pic.jpg mogrify -scale 1024 pic.jpg scale pic.jpg down so that it's width is 1024 pixels mogrify -scale 200% pic.jpg scale pic.jpg to twice it's vertical and hortizontal resolution mogrify -modulate 125,100 !(*118*).jpeg brighten all jpegs without 118 within the filename mogrify -resize 50x50 *.png resize all png files to 50x50 mogrify -quality 90 -format jpg *.pnm convert some pnm files to jpg mogrify -flop image.jpg mirror reflect image montage -tile 1x3 -geometry 800x1000 file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg fileall.jpg combine 3 pictures into 1 picture and tile vertically mencoder -endpos 1:00 VTS_01_1.VOB -o file.vob -oac copy -ovc copy copy first minute of stream to file.vob mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 convert mpg to avi mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -sub convert mpg to avi and add subtitles mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -sub -ffourcc DX50 convert mpg to avi and use different encoding mencoder dvd://1 -o test.mpg -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=3600 cuts size of dvd to 50% mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf fps=10 -ovc lavc -o file.avi convert a bunch of png files into an avi video mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -o output.mpg input.avi -of mpeg experimental file conversion mencoder "mf://*.JPG" -mf fps=3 -o test.avi -ovc lavc convert JPG files to avi video at 3 frames per second mencoder input.wmv -oac -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video -of mpeg -o output.mpg convert wmv to mpeg mencoder -vf rotate=2 -o output.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc input.avi rotate input.avi anti-clockwise and create output.avi mencoder -vf rotate=2 -o tempest-new.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video tempest.avi rotate and keep mpeg1 encoding mencoder -noskip -vf eq2=1.0:-.8 -o out-file.mpg -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video in-file.mpg -of mpeg -mc 0 create inverted video from mpeg2 to mpeg2 mencoder part1.flv part2.flv part3.flv -o all.flv -ovc copy -oac copy -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv combine flv files into one file mencoder test.avi -o out.avi -oac copy -ovc copy copy video stream and one audio stream this was needed since tovid was using the wrong audio stream mencoder test-in.mpg -ovc copy -oac copy -of mpeg -o test-out.mpg -mpegopts tsaf:vbitrate=5800:muxrate=7500 -noskip -mc 0 convert from hitachi mini-dvd to standard dvd (renamed test.iso to test-in.mpg first) mplayer -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:fast:file=audio.wav test.avi extract audio from avi file mplayer -ss 4:30 -endpos 3:05 -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:fast:file=audio.wav test.mpg extract audio from mpg starting at 4:30 for a duration of 3:05 mencoder dumpstream -o 1.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -ofps 15 -vf harddup convert asf to avi midentify file.mpg find information on a video file minicom serial communication program /usr/sbin/mouseconfig redhat mouse configuration utility necessary to get mouse working in tty mp3splt -s big.mp3 split big.mp3 on silence mp3splt -c big.cddb big.mp3 split big.mp3 based on big.cddb mp3splt audio-blog-5.mp3 14.50 24.07 -o out split audio-blog-5.mp3 starting at 14 mins and 50 secs and ending at 24 mins and 7 secs mpgdemux -b output video.mpg remultiplex video mplex -f 8 -M -V -o newvideo.mpg output* mpgcat -A3 2.vob > corrected.vob fix bad header on vob file mpgtx -j -o -A3 3.vob > corrected.vob same without symbolic link mpgtx -d -b test.mpg /mnt/cdrom/celtic.mpg mplex -f 8 -M -V -o output.mpg test.mpg-0.m2v test.mpg-0.mp2 remultiplex celtic.mpg the two commands above fix the problem of "WARN: Skipping sector, waiting for first VOBU..." mpgsplit -2 file.mpg split file.mpg into 2 parts mplayer *.avi -loop 25 Loop a video 25 times mplayer checker.avi -vo x11 -loop 0 Use x11 window, loop continuously mplayer * -shuffle play files in random order mplayer *[Ff]leet* play files with fleet, not case sensitive mplayer -ss 37:00 file play file 37 minutes in mplayer -aid 2 file play audio id 2 (for multi-language files) mplayer -sid 0 file.mpg play subtitles on id 0 mplayer -brightness 20 file.mpg play file with more brightness mplayer -zoom file.mpg play file in window which can be resized mplayer file.mp3 -ao artsd play audio through arts sound server mplayer file.mp3 -ao esd play audio through esd sound server (Enlightned Sound Daemon) mplayer -vo dga file.mpg play file using direct graphics access (must be root) mplayer -vo help list the available video output drivers mplayer -vc help list the available video codecs mplayer -vf help list the available video filters mplayer -ao help list the available audio output drivers mplayer -ac help list the available audio codecs mplayer -af help list the available audio filters mplayer mms:// -dumpstream play a media file from and save file mplayer -playlist play.pls -ao arts reference urls in text file play.pls mplayer -nocache -playlist mms:// listen to CBC Radio 1 (change r1 to r2 etc) mplayer -nocache -playlist -dumpstream record stream via asx file mplayer -nocache -playlist how I listened to us open tennis radio mplayer -nocache -playlist how I listened to australian open tennis radio mplayer -playlist listen to bbc5live mplayer -playlist radio.asx to listen to australian open, wget radio.asx first mplayer -playlist file -dumpstream -dumpfile file.asf record stream and save as file.asf mplayer cdda://1 play audio cd track 1 mplayer cdda://1 -cache 5000 play audio cd track 1 with caching mplayer dvd://1 play dvd title 1 mplayer dvd://2 play dvd title 2 mplayer -dvd-device /dev/cdrom dvd://1 specify path to dvd device mplayer -dvd-device DVD21 dvd://11 -vf pp=lb play dvd files from directory DVD21 mplayer -ao pcm -aofile radio.wav radio.asf convert asf stream to wav mplayer -ao pcm -aofile week2.wav week2.rm -srate 44100 convert rm to audio cd ready wav file mplayer test.wmv -ao pcm:file=test.wav process audio from wmv to wav file mplayer -vo null -ao wav pcm:fast:file="test.wav" *.mp4 process audio from mp4 to wav file mplayer -demuxer lavf flash9.flv play flash 9 file mplayer -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video0:width=640:height=480:norm=ntsc:chanlist=us-cable tv:// watch tv using mplayer mplayer radio://88.7 listen to radio mplayer tempest.avi -vf rotate=1 watch and rotate tempest video by 90 degrees clockwise mplayer tempest.avi -vf rotate=2 rotate video 90 degrees anti-clockwise mplayer -vo aa -monitorpixelaspect 0.5. video.mpg watch video in ascii mode mplayer -vf hue -hue -100 test.mpg watch video in negative colour mplayer -vo xv -vf eq2=1.0:-.8 04.mpg watch video in inverted colour (white<->black) mplayer -mc 2 test.flv will help correct bad sync on some videos mplayer test.mkv -lavdopts skiploopfilter=all:fast will help play mkv files on a slow machine mplayer -vo null -nosound -benchmark test.avi test a file's integrity mplayer test.mpg -vf pp=lb play test.mpg and deinterlace the video mplayer -fs video.mpg play video using full screen mplayer -vf scale=320:240 file scale playback of file to 320x240 resolution mplayer -vf scale=1280:1024 -fs -vo fbdev2 thin-man.mp4 play using frame buffer on slack 14.2 mplayer -afm ffmp3 file.mp3 use alternative codec for mp3 files mplayer -novideo file.mp4 play audio only mplayer file.mp4 -vf screenshot enable screenshot ability mplayer -aid 128 -nocache -nosub dvd://1 playing dvd in slackware mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 audio.mp3 had to do this to avoid "audio device stuck" message mplayer -vf rotate=1 20240430_141456.mp4 rotate video shot with smartphone mutt -f mailbox load another mailbox with mutt mutt -v show version and compile info mutt -h display help for mutt mutt compose an email to mysqldump --opt drupal > drupal.sql backup drupal mysql drupal < drupal.sql restore drupal mysql --version display version of mysql mysqldump --opt coppermine > coppermine.sql backup coppermine mysqlcheck --optimize -A optimize database mysql -u root < fix-drupal execute a series of mysql commands via script nasm -f elf loader.s compile to elf format /usr/sbin/netconfig Redhat network configuration utility nc localhost 3001 | tee results.txt login on port 3001 and store results ncftp -u cubeman invoke ncftp with user cubeman put -R * (recursively put files) ncftp server invoke ncftp and use bookmark server nc -zvw 1 openbsd 22 check if port 22 is open newspost -i nntp file -n newsgroup -s subject -a -y post a file to usenet with pars using yenc encoding nice -n -20 test run process test at high priority nice -n 19 test run process test at lowest priority renice +10 13787 renice process 13787 (lowers priority from standard 0) nm /lib/ list symbols from shared library nmap 192.168.0.* scan ports on through nmap -sV check software versions nmap localhost check your ports nmap -p 80 check web server on router nmap -p 1234 check twizzle on nmap -sP 192.168.0.* check all hostnames and ip addresses on LAN nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 list ciphers supported by an HTTP server (newer nmap required) echo -n | openssl s_client -connect nroff -man manpage.1 using nroff to display a man page /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s sets correct date and time (must be root) /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u update time /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u update time more modern /usr/sbin/ntpdate -q query for time /usr/sbin/ntpq -p list peers known to the ntp server /usr/sbin/ntpq -c rv show more info objdump acm.o --section-headers see all the sections in the object file for the module acm oggenc audio.wav -o file.ogg Encode audio.wav to ogg format oocalc OpenOffice Calc for spreadsheets (*.xls, *.ods) oodraw OpenOffice Draw for powerpoint (*.pps, *.odp) e.g. oodraw rubik.pps oodraw rubik.ppt ooffice OpenOffice suite ooimpress OpenOffice create presentations oosetup OpenOffice setup oowriter OpenOffice word processor (*.doc, *.rtf) par c file.par Check parity archive par c *.PAR &> x.txt Redirect standard error to x.txt par r *.par Restore missing files par2 r *.PAR2 Restore missing files using PAR2 par2 c -r10 alpha * Create par2 files called alpha for all files in current directory /sbin/parted /dev/sde run partitioning program on usb drive /sbin/parted -v display version of parted pdfimages -j test.pdf bar extract jpeg files from test.pdf petcat -w2 -o exe.prg -- c64-typein.txt tokenize c64-typein.txt to a prg file petcat -2 -o checkit.txt -- mainbas.p01 detokenize mainbas.p01 and create checkit.txt as a text file pic simple.pic | groff > convert GNU pic to postscript pic2graph < triangle.pic -format jpg -scale 300% > triangle.jpg convert GNU pic to jpeg, scale to 300% and crop to smallest size pidof httpd show pid(s) of httpd pkg-config libdv --modversion display version of libdv pkg-config glib --modversion display version of glib pkg-config libpng --modversion display version of libpng pkg-config --modversion gtk+ display version of gtk+ pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 display version of gtk 2.0 pnmtopng sports.pnm > sports.png convert pnm file to png powwow 8888 log onto mud server ps2pdf invoice.pdf convert postscript invoice to pdf qemu -fda run qemu PC System emulator loading qemu -hda disk.img -cdrom toms.2.0.103-1.iso -boot d run qemu with disk.img and toms root boot as files qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 128M create a disk image for qemu qemu -m 128 -hda ReactOS.vmdk run reactos under qemu qemu -hda disk.img -cdrom CorePlus-current.iso -boot d run CorePlus qemu -hda disk.img -cdrom 2.0.5-install.iso -fda boot.flp install freebsd 2.0 qemu -cpu ? list cpus supported by qemu qemu-system-mips -cpu ? list mips cpus supported by qemu qemu -m 128 -boot d -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda linux.img install redhat 6.1 qemu-img info disk.img get information on disk.img qemu -serial mon:stdio -hdb fs.img xv6.img -smp 2 -m 512 run qemu version of xv6 qemu-img convert -f qcow -O qcow2 disk.img disk.qcow2 convert qcow image to qcow2 radio -S scan radio stations and write radio.fmmap rar a -m5 jones.rar jones.mpg Create jones.rar with maximum compression rar a -m0 -v4700000 abc.rar abc.dat Create dvd sized chunks for file abc.dat no compress rar a -v700000 jones.rar jones.mpg Create jones.rar in 700 meg chunks rar e file.rar Extract files rar e -kb file.rar Keep broken extracted files rar e file.rar file1 /files Extract file1 to /files rar e file.cbr rar can extract cbr files rar e file.rar /mnt/floppy extract to floppy drive rar x file.rar extract files with full path rar r file.rar repair archive ratpoison --display :1 run ratpoison in alternate display rclock -geometry 300x300 run rclock and make it 300x300 pixels in size readcd -v dev=1,0,0 f=cd.iso make an iso of a cd readcd -v dev=1,1,0 f=dvd.iso make an iso of a dvd realplay Realplayer plays rm files rec file.wav record a wav file rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 record a wav file in 16-bit stereo with 44100 samples per second recordmydesktop --windowid 0x2800024 --no-frame -y 10 record a window (motif program) recordmydesktop --print-config display configuration regina rexxcps.rexx execute rexx script rexxcps.rexx regina cu.rexx "(UR)105" execute cu.rexx resize set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size rexxc guess.rex guess compile guess.rex as guess rexx guess.rex execute rexx script guess.rex rsync -vu *.txt holdit update all *.txt files to subdirectory holdit rsync --version show version of rsync rsync -v -r -u cubeman@server:/var/www/maxhost . copy all files from maxhost to another machine rsync -v -r -u cubeman@server:/usr/local/share/info/linuxnotes.txt . copy file linuxnotes.txt rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh *.wmv user@machine://$HOME/somewhere finish copying a file which was partially transferred via scp rsync -pavr --include '+ */' --include '*.png' --exclude '- *' /mnt/d cubeman@acer://home/cubeman/alex6/png copy all png files to another computer rsync -r --delete ~/pics/toronto/yonge /mnt/f/pics/toronto/yonge rsync two directories rsync -e "ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c aes128-cbc" -v -r -u file.txt file.txt rtorrent -h display help on rtorrent rtorrent `cat meta.txt` activate rtorrent with meta link inside meta.txt rtorrent -p 5000-5010 open port range 5000 to 5010 sar -n DEV Report network statistics rxpck/s total packets received per second txpck/s total packets transmitted per second rxby/s total bytes received per second txby/s total bytes transmitted per second rxcmp/s compressed packets received txcmp/s compressed packets transmitted scanimage -d hp:/dev/usb/scanner0 --mode color --resolution 100 -x 50 -y 50 > test.pnm Example of using a scanner from the command line, in this case the scan was 198x198 pixels scanimage -d hp:libusb:002:003 --mode color --resolution 100 -x 50 -y 50 > test.pnm updated example used for vector linux (2.6.27 kernel) scanimage -d rts8891:libusb:002:002 --mode color --resolution 100 -x 50 -y 50 > test.pnm updated example for hp 4470c scanner scanimage -d mustek:/dev/sg0 --mode color --resolution 100 -x 50 -y 50 > test.pnm using scanimage with mustek 1200 a3 and isa adaptec card scanimage -d mustek:/dev/sg0 --format=tiff --mode color --resolution 200 -x 100 -y 100 > test1.tiff another example but create a tiff file instead (only pnm and tiff supported) scanimage --list-devices List available scanners scanimage --test Perform a scanner test scanimage --version Display version of scanimage xscanimage hp:libusb:001:004 for using hp 5200c scanner under vector linux (2.6.27 kernel) xscanimage genesys:libusb:001:005 for using canoscan lide 700f scanner xscanimage rts8891:libusb:005:002 for using hp 4470c scanner (use sane-find-scanner to get numbers) xscanimage mustek:/dev/sg1 for using Mustek 1200 A3 PRO scanner scid Chess database program scim -d start scim as a daemon scp -r cubeman@* . transfer files securely scp -r cubeman@vector:/home/cubeman/prog/cube-motif/q . copy all files from q including all subdirectories scp cubeman@openbsd://$CUBEDIR/mark90.q . using a variable with scp to get mark90.q scp file cubeman@vector://home/cubeman/file copy file to cubeman@vector scp cubeman@openbsd://$CUBEDIR/cyclic/* . copy files from openbsd to current directory scp -c aes256-cbc *.jpg cubeman@server://$HOME/stamps copy files to older server screen -D -r reattach screen session /usr/bin/sensors show information from motherboard sensors (part of the lm-sensors package) /bin/setserial -bg /dev/ttyS0 displays information on 1st serial port /bin/setserial -ag /dev/ttyS* show all information on all serial ports sg_scan -i does a scan of sg devices shuf -i 200-500 -n 1 pick a random number between 200 and 500 sha1sum file compute and check SHA1 sha256sum ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso compute and check SHA256 message digest /usr/sbin/smartctl -i /dev/hdc check if /dev/hdc has support for smart /usr/sbin/smartctl -s on /dev/hda turn on smart for /dev/hda /usr/sbin/smartctl -Hc /dev/hda execute health self-assessment test on /dev/hda /usr/sbin/smartctl --scan scan for devices /usr/sbin/smartctl -a -d usbcypress /dev/sda display all smart info for device /dev/sda for usb 2.0 external hard drive sort -k2 units.txt > units1.txt sort on 2nd column sox -h shows supported formats sox file.wav Convert au to wav sox file1.wav file2.wav fade t 0 315 3 Make wav file fade out in last 3 seconds sox file1.wav file2.wav speed 2.0 make wav file at double speed sox file1.wav file2.wav trim 1:43:30 6:33 Trim file1 starting time 1:43:30 for 6 min and 33 s sox file1.wav -v 5 file2.wav make file2.wav really loud sox file1.wav file2.wav reverse file2.wav is the reverse of file1.wav sox -w -r 32000 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp3 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp pipe output from /dev/dsp3 to /dev/dsp sox -c 1 -u -r 32000 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp3 dsp.wav record tv audio (via btaudio) sox track-2.wav -r 44100 track01-new.wav resample resample wav file to 44100 khz (for cd audio) sox in.wav out.wav silence 1 0.1 1% remove silence at beginning of wav file spumux spumux.xml < input.mpg > output.mpg add subtitles to an mpg file startkde -display local_machine_name:0.0 & start kde remotely startx -- -logverbose 0 start X with minimal logging startx -- :8 start X on virtual screen 8 startx -- -dpi 100 start X with dpi set to 100 startx -- -dpi 75 start X with dpi set to 75 (usual setting for openbsd) strings /lib/tls/ | grep GLIBC check version of glibc ss display socket statistics ssh cubeman@ open secure shell ssh -vvv test@ open secure shell with maximum debugging ssh -X cubeman@server /usr/local/bin/xrubik open secure shell with X forwarding enabled and run xrubik on remote machine ssh cubeman@server 'echo "test" | wall' write to all on cubeman@server ssh -X cubeman@server /usr/X11R6/bin/Xnest :1 -query localhost run desktop of server remotely ssh -XC -o CompressionLevel=9 cubeman@q4os kalgebra run q4os TDE programs remotely ssh -YC cubeman@openbsd x2x -west -to :0.0 control openbsd box via another computer ssh -Y cubeman@server /usr/X11R6/bin/xlsclients run xlsclients on server via ssh ssh -c aes128-ctr cubeman@hp needed when using ssh from older computer ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@servername add public key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" generate a new ssh key ssh test@ -p 6000 open secure shell to port 6000 sudo sshfs -o allow_other cubeman@slack1:/mnt/c /mnt/slack1 set up directory for sharing across ssh sshfs -o Ciphers=aes128-ctr cubeman@slack1:/$HOME /mnt/slack-home set up directory for sharing but use older cipher switchdesk [ desktop name] switch to a different desktop, e.g. kde, gnome, fvwm switchdesk-gnome gui version of switchdesk /sbin/sysctl -a Display all kernel parameters /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.sysrq="1" enable the SysRq key sysbench --test=cpu run run cpu benchmark talk user talk to a user tar -xpvf file.tar extract files from tar archive tar -z -xpvf file.tar.gz extract files from gz tar archive tar -xf test.tar.gz xrubik.h extract only file xrubik.h from test.tar.gz tar -zxvf new.tar.gz X/doc extract only files in X/doc tar -j -xpvf file.tar.bz2 extract files from bz2 tar archvie tar -cvf file.tar . make a tar archive file.tar including all files tar -tf file.tar list files in file.tar tar -jtf file.tar.bz2 list files in file.tar.bz2 tar -ztf file.tar.gz list files in file.tar.gz tar -vtf file.tar list files verbosely showing permissions and sizes tar -zcvf file.tar.gz . make a compressed tar archive including all subdirectories tar -jcvf test make a compressed tar archive using bzip2 compression from file test tar -C / -z -xpvf MPlayer-r29301-i486-1alien.tgz install to / tar -j -xpvf kdegames-3.5.10.tar.bz2 kdegames-3.5.10/kpat extract kpat source code tar --version display version of tar tar -czvf ami2000-bios.tar.gz -C amibios2000 . archive all of directory amibios2000 tar -cJf flash-newest.tar.xz * create archive flash-newest.tar.xz including all files and subdirectories tclsh hello.tcl execute a tcl script tclkit clock.kit execute a kit file telnet 5000 logging into fics using text mode telnet localhost 113 test identd telnet localhost imap test imapd telnet localhost 873 test rsync telnet localhost 25 test sendmail telnet server daytime returns date and time from server telnet log into toronto freenet tiffinfo file.tiff get info on tiff file tiffsplit file.tiff split multi-page tiff into individual files timidity file.mid play midi file timidity file.mid -Ow convert midi file to RIFF wav file timidity file.mid -Ow -o out.wav convert midi to wav and output as out.wav tovid -svcd -full file.avi file.mpg convert file.avi to svcd format tovid -dvd -full file.avi file.mpg convert file.avi to dvd format and use 4:3 aspect ratio tovid -half-dvd -full -fps 24000:1001 file1.mpg file2 convert file1.mpg to 352x480 (half dvd) force 24 fps tovid -dvd -in antipode.avi -out antipode convert avi to mpeg using tovid 0.30 tovid -dvd -in /mnt/cdrom/celtic.mpg -out test -quality 10 make a dvd with highest quality using tovid 0.30 tovid -svcd -in file.wmv -out file -quality 10 mak a svcd wit highest quality using tovid 0.30 tovid mpg -in file.avi -out file1 -quality 10 create dvd compliant mpg file from avi using tovid 0.34 makexml file.mpg -out MyDisc generate xml output makedvd -speed 2 -device /dev/cdrom1 -burn MyDisc.xml last part of tovid script (must be root) tput cols display the number of columns tput lines display the number of lines tput home home the cursor tput smcup save the screen tput rmcup restore the screen tput smso set reverse on tput rmso set reverse off tput setb 2 set background colour to 2 (green in my case) tput -Tvt100 cols display the number of columns for a vt100 terminal traceroute -I print the route packets take to network host (using ICMP echo) tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 list the contents of the filesystem superblock tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep state check state of filesystem unbuffer cube_motif | tee cm.log unbuffer stdout for cube_motif and also store in cm.log unshar bsplit.shar unpack a shar file unzip test.cbz unzip works on cbz files unzip -l list files unzip hercules.rc unzip only hercules.rc from updatedb update the slocate database usbview usb viewer (reads /proc/bus/usb/devices) userdel -r user Remove a user usermod -l newname change current user's name to newname /home/oldname must be changed as well usermod -a -G ftp user add supplemental group ftp to user -a option is not available in fc1 usermount user mount tool uudeview file Decoder for binary files vcdgear -cue2mpg -track02 ga_v2s01.cue gav2_02 Extract track 02 and creat file gav2_02.mpg (don't try to extract track 0) vcdimager --iso-volume-label="test" track1.mpg track2.mpg ... create bin and cue files for vcd2 (default) vcdimager --iso-volume-label="test" --type=svcd file1.mpg file2.mpg ... create bin and cue files for svcd vcdimager --type=svcd --update-scan-offsets file1.mpg file2.mpg ... visudo edit /etc/sudoers file vncviewer -scale 0.70 use virtual network computing and scale to 0.70 size vncviewer -quality 0 -bgr233 server log onto server using vncviewer vncviewer check out inferno vobcopy -I display info on mounted dvd including titles and chapters cdrdao --version display version of cdrdao cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --speed 8 videocd.cue write vcd w shows who is logged on and what they are doing also shows uptime watch -n 3 w watch output of w updated every 3 seconds watch -n 1 -d sensors watch output of sensors every second weather CYOO get weather for Oshawa (from weather-util) wget --version shows version of wget wget Grab a file off the web wget grab a trailer off the web wget grab a file from gateway wget --limit-rate=40k grab a file but limit bandwidth use to 40k per second wget -O /home/test/file.txt grab a file and save it in /home/test wget -c resume a download partially completed wget -i file.txt grab a file from url contained in file.txt (i is short for input-file) wget --secure-protocol=SSLv3 URL for https type URLs wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" get all files from a directory who -r check current run level wine wincube.exe run windows program wincube.exe wine digitaleditions.exe run adobe digital editions wine clock.exe run windows analog clock wine cmd.exe run windows shell wine expand test.ex_ test.exe expand compressed file wine start file.msi install an msi file wine --version show version of wine wine control wine control panel (uninstall programs) wine explorer run wine explorer wine iexplore run wine web browser wine ipconfig.exe run wine ipconfig winefile run the wine file manager winecfg run the wine configuration program winetricks wineserver -k terminate all wine processes wish Simple windowing shell wish execute (widget toolkit) X -query server :1 do a remote graphical login X -query localhost :8 run another X server on the same machine Xnest :1 -query server x3270 -apl start x3270 in APL mode x64 -cart8 wsb.bin load waterloo basic at $8000 on c64 x64 -autostart cube.t64 load and run cube.t64 x64 -sound demo load demo with sound turned on x64 -help display help for x64 x64 -cartss5 supersnap.crt run 64 emulator with super snapshot v5 xpet -model 4032 -ntsc -rom9 wsb.bin run waterloo basic for 4032 model PET xvic -autostart cube.prg load and run cube.prg xauth generate :0 . generate new .Xauthority file xautolock -time 35 -locker "sudo pm-suspend" & run suspend after 35 minutes of inactivity xbasic Basic interpreter xbc Basic compiler (needs libtermcap.a) xboard -size small run xboard with small board size xboard -size large run xboard with large board size xboard -size big run xboard with big board size (size I usually use) xboard -ncp run xboard with no chess engines xcalc scientific calculator for X xclip < file.txt put file.txt on the clipboard xclipboard Show clipboard xclock defaults to analog clock xclock -digital -update 1 show clock as digital and update each second xclock -geometry -0-0 show clock in the bottom right hand corner xclock -geometry -0+0 show clock in the top right hand corner xclock -face 'Bitstream Vera Sans:size=36' -d show clock as digital with very big characters xcursorgen create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images xdm X display manager xdpr dump.xwd -rv prints out screen dump from xwd with reverse video xdosemu -home run dosemu in a window and use $HOME directory xdpyinfo display information utility for X xhost +localhost add so localhost can access X server xhost + vl7 needed this for X forwarding xeditor -xrm xeditor*fontList:saxlarge use saxlarge font with xeditor XFree86 -version display version number of X server, currently using 4.3.0 Xorg -version display version number of X server, version 1.4.2 on vector (or look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log) Xorg -configure :1 create xorg.conf from log file /usr/bin/xgamma -gamma 0.9 lower gamma value of screen slightly xine -u 0 file.mpg play subtitles on 0 for file.mpg xine -f start xine in full screen mode xine file.mpg --deinterlace deinterlace video output xinit /usr/bin/mwm -- :8 run motif window manager on virtual screen 8 xinit /usr/bin/tinywm-session -- :8 run tinywm on virtual screen 8 xinit -- :8 runs whatever is in .xinitrc xinit /usr/bin/icewm-session -- :8 run icewm on virtual screen 8 xinit /usr/local/bin/jwm -- :8 xkill kill a client by its X resource xls2csv newprice1024.xls > newprice1024.csv convert xls files to csv xmbind .motifbind configures virtual key bindings xmessage send a windowed message xmkmf create a Makefile from an Imakefile (a bash script) xmodmap -pke > old_layout.txt save old keyboard layout xmodmap usapl.txt load apl union keyboard xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5" map mouse buttons xmodmap /mnt/e/openAPL/terminal/XFree86/keymap/apl2741.xmap (see also xkb) xmms play swiss classical music xmtr Trace route (X My Trace Route) xpdf -z 200% book.pdf view book.pdf with 200% zoom xpdf -v display version of xpdf xrandr -s 0 set video resolution to default (size 0) xrandr --size 800x600 set resolution to 800x600 xrandr --size 1024x768 set resolution to 1024x768 xrandr --size 1024x768 set resolution to 1024x768 and refresh rate to 60 hz xrandr --size 1152x864 set resolution to 1152x864 xrandr -q display all possible video modes xrandr -x reflect across the X axis xrandr --output DVI-1 --brightness 1.5 xrdb ~/.Xdefaults reread .Xdefaults xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults read .Xdefaults but keep old settings as well xrdb -query query the X server resource database utility xrdb cube-motif this was necessary on fedora 16 (app-defaults) xrefresh redraw screen xsane --version display version of xsane xscreensaver-demo graphical user interface to xscreensaver xsel manipulate the X selection (usually same as ctrl-y) xsetroot -solid 'rgbi:.8/.8/.8' change background window colour xterm -t xterm using Tektronix mode xterm -fa "KAPL" xterm using apl fonts xterm-apl xterm version modified for use with apl xterm -en 'ISO 8859-1' xterm using ISO 8859-1 encoding xterm -display :8 run xterm on display :8 xterm -fn 10x20 xterm using somewhat bigger font xtrs -romfile trs80model1.rom emulate trs-80 model 1 sdltrs -model 3 -romfile model3.rom emulate trs-80 model 3 sdltrs -model 3 -romfile model3.rom -disk0 trsds13a.dsk emulate trs-80 model 3 with trsdos 1.3 xwininfo window information utility for X xz -d gnome-disk-utility-3.6.1.tar.xz uncompress xz file youtube-dl -f 18 download youtube video at 640x360 resolution youtube-dl -U update youtube-dl to latest version youtube-dl --version displays verson of youtube-dl youtube-dl -F list available formats youtube-dl -c continue an aborted download youtube-dl -f hls-1269 download video as 768x432 yum install package install package yum remove package remove package yum update package update package yum update XFree86-tools update package XFree86-tools yum clean clean up yum cache yum list list the installed packages and available packages yum list | grep xorg list all packages containing xorg in name yum info xorg-x11-apps display a description of xorg-x11-apps yum install apcupsd install ups monitor program yum install beep install beep program yum install gcc-c++ install the c++ compiler yum install gconf-editor install gconf editor yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin install java plugin for firefox (fedora 10+) yum install libXaw-devel install Xaw yum install install libXi-devel install Xi yum install pdksh install the korn shell yum install switchdesk install the desktop switching utility yum install valgrind install valgrind tools for debugging and profiling programs yum install xfce-utils install xfce utilities yum install xorg-x11-apps install x11 apps (e.g. xclock) yum install xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi install fonts (needed this for xboard on fedora 11) yum install zlib-devel install zlib development files yum install aplus-fsf install aplus package for APL yum install units install units program yum install youtube-dl install youtube download script yum install qt-devel install qt development files yum install qt3-devel install qt3 development files yum install kdebase3-devel install kdebase3 development files yum install mysql-server install mysql server yum install syslinux install syslinux (has gethostip command) yum install php-gd install php-gd (needed for coppermine) yum install sg3_utils install sg3_utils (exists in fedora 10) yum search chess search for packages with chess in the name or description /usr/sbin/zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2007 check to see if DST is working zip -r * archive everything in current directory zip -T test integrity of zip -r foo bar zip up everything in directory bar and create zip -9 pack.c create from pack.c using max compression zip *.jpg create and add jpg files commands -------- adduser user add a user apachectl start start apache web server apachectl stop stop apache web server apropos string search the whatis database for string apt-get update resynch the package update files apt-get install x install package x e.g. apt-get install rpm-build apt-get install kernel-source /sbin/arping -c 1 -I eth0 openbsd find mac address remotely (requires root) at -f 14:00 run script at 2 pm atq list user's pending jobs awk --version display version of awk /sbin/badblocks /dev/hdc1 check for bad blocks /sbin/badblocks -s /dev/hdc1 check for bad blocks and show progress /sbin/badblocks -s -c 128 /dev/hdc1 check blocks, show progress, test 128 blocks at a time basename /home/user/test.c returns basename, e.g. test.c bc -l run bc with standard math library echo "ibase=16; 600080"| bc convert hex number 600080 to decimal echo "ibase=8; 123" | bc convert octal number 123 to decimal echo $((0x15a)) convert hex number 0x15a to decimal echo "4 * a(1)" | bc -l display pi echo -ne "\033[9;0]" | sudo tee /dev/tty1 wake up console echo "length(123456789)" | bc count the digits in a number /sbin/blkid utility to locate/print block device attributes (e.g. uuid) bzip2 -9 -z cube.txt compress cube.txt using maximum compression bunzip2 file.bz2 uncompress bz2 file cal show calendar cal -V display version of cal cal -3 show previous, current and next month cal -3 12 2023 show nov 2023, dec 2023 and jan 2024 cal -j display Julian dates cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state show battery state (sometimes BATA or BAT1) cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info show battery info (this works on fedora 16) cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state show state of lid (some laptops have this) cat /proc/bus/usb/devices show usb devices cat /proc/cmdline show startup settings cat /proc/11860/cmdline show cmdline options for pid 11860 cat /proc/cpuinfo show info on cpu cat /proc/devices show info on device drivers cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version show version of nvidia driver cat /proc/filesystems show filesystems (only on linux 2.6 or newer) cat /proc/interrupts show info on interrupts cat /proc/ioports show ioports cat /proc/meminfo show memory usage cat /proc/modules show modules cat /proc/mounts show which filesystems are read-only and read/write cat /proc/partitions show major, minor numbers and name of each partition cat /proc/pci show pci devices (fc1) cat /proc/bus/pci/devices show pci devices on newer linux cat /proc/scsi/scsi show scsi devices (includes cdrom, usb devices etc) cat /proc/self/maps show memory map cat /proc/slabinfo show kernel slab allocator statistics cat /proc/swaps show swap partitions and files cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info show info on cdroms cat /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0 show info on parallel port cat /proc/sys/kernel/pty/nr show how many pseudoterminals are in use (kernels 2.6.3 or newer only) cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/eth0/gc_stale_time show arp cache time cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max show maximum pid cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes show modes supported by frame buffer cat /etc/passwd show all users cat -n .bash_history show bash history (-n shows line numbers) cat *.mpg > all.mpg concatenate all mpg files into one file cat file1 file2 > all concatenate file1 and file2 and put results in all cat test.txt > /dev/lp0 send text directly to parallel port cat test.txt > /dev/ttyS0 send text directly to serial port #1 cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp listen to static cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c12 generate a 12 character random password cat test.wav > /dev/dsp listen to a wav file cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh b@B 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' add your public key to the remote system cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -c aes128-ctr cubeman@hp 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' method for ssh from older version of ssh cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh cubeman@openbsd 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' allow ssh into openbsd without password cat > test.txt use cat as a simple editor, ctrl-d to exit cat $TEXT/linuxnotes.txt | grep -A 2 ^grep grep for grep and print out 2 lines cat aaa.txt | grep --color=auto cat grep for cat and colourize matches chage -l user show password expiry information chattr +i file set immutable bit for file (only root can change this) chfn change finger information chvt 7 change to virtual terminal 7 (usually X terminal) openvt start a program on a new virtual terminal /sbin/chkconfig --list checks runlevel information for services /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 sshd on turn sshd on for runlevels 3, 4 and 5 chmod 755 / / should have 755 permisson chmod 755 /bin files in /bin and /usr/bin also have 755 permission chmod 700 /root /root should have 700 permission chmod 775 /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mail should have 775 permission chmod 666 file change permissions of file to read/write chmod 644 file owner can read/write, everyone else can just read (most files on web server are set this way) chmod 700 file read, write, execute by owner only chmod 766 file read, write, but only owner can delete chmod 600 file only owner can read or write chmod 444 file make file read only chmod +s file Sets owner or group ID on execution of file to that of owner of file (g+s sets group id bit) chmod o+r add read access for others chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/001/002 allow user to access usb device chmod --reference file1.txt file2.txt sets permissions of file2 the same as file1 chown user file change owner of file to user Also increase security, don't let users reboot, shutdown, etc e.g. chmod 700 shutdown chmod 700 reboot chmod 700 halt chmod 700 poweroff While we're at it lock down internet programs chmod 700 wget chmod 700 elinks chmod 700 curl chmod 700 lynx chmod 700 vsftpd chmod 700 ftp chmod 700 lwp-download chmod 700 lwp-rget chmod 700 lftpget chmod 700 sftp ncftp And let's lock down daemons chmod 700 acpid chmod 700 klogd chown -R user dir change all files to owner user in dir including all subdirectories chgrp -R user dir change all files to group user in dir including all subdirectories chgrp video /dev/fb1 change /dev/fb1 to group video chown root:root file change owner and group of file to root cmp -l file1 file2 compare file1 to file2 and print out all differences cpio -idv < doc.cpio extract files from doc.cpio crontab -l list current user's crontabs crontab -e edit current crontab crontab -u root -l list root's crontabs csplit file /OFF/ {*} split a file on OFF as many times as possible date +%W show the week date +%b show abbreviated month date +%D show date as mm/dd/yy date +%r show time as a 12 hour clock including seconds with AM/PM date +%c show date and time with 12 hour clock date "+d %b %Y" show date as "04 JUL 2010" date "+%d-%m-%y" show date as day-month-year date +%I:%M\ %p show time as 12 hour clock not including seconds with AM/PM date +%j show day of year date 06:33 set time to 6:33 am date -s 063012002010 set date to June 30 2010 and time to 12:00 e.g. date MMDDhhmmYYYY date -s "06 30 1200 2010" this will also work date +%Z show timezone date -d "today +70 minutes" show date and time for 70 minutes from now date -d "today -120 days" show date 120 days ago date +"%r" -d "today +70 minutes" show date and time for 70 mins from now showing AM/PM dd if=soundfx.wav of=test1.wav bs=1 skip=10564 count=155586 dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/cf/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=8192 mkswap /mnt/cf/swapfile1 setup swap file for zaurus on /mnt/cf dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=524288 make a 512 meg swap file dd if=disk1.img of=/dev/fd0 write disk image to floppy dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/hda | od -Ax -tx1z -v dump the boot block dd if=MakuluLinux-Max-D-2023-08-28.iso of=/dev/sdf bs=4M status=progress write bootable image onto usb drive sudo dd if=ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress create bootable usb drive with ubuntu iso df -h show drive space df -lh show drive space on local volumes only df -hT show drive space and file system type df -i show drive space and inode usage df -h | awk '{print $1}' show only partition names df $HOME/text show device that contains directory $HOME/text diff -N file1 file2 > file.patch make a diff file dig +trace ns | more check if a nameserver is listed with the root servers dirname /home/user/test.c returns dirname e.g. /home/user dmesg > file capture boot messages to file dmesg | grep -i EDAC check to see if the system has ECC memory /usr/sbin/dmidecode > dmidecode.txt DMI table decoder (Desktop Management Interface) /usr/sbin/dmidecode --type cache show the L1 memory cache and L2 memory cache for each processor du -hs data reports on size of data du -h -c *.zip reports on size of all zip files and give total du -ch *.pdf reports total size of all pdf files dump-mixers dump OSS mixer settings to standard output (part of xawtv3) /sbin/e2fsck /dev/hda1 check a Linux second extended file system /sbin/e2fsck /dev/hda1 -v -y same but use verbose mode and answer all questions as yes /sbin/e2fsck /dev/sda1 check usb hard drive /sbin/e2fsck /dev/sde1 another example of checking a usb hard drive eject eject cdrom eject -t close cdrom eject -v eject cdrom in verbose mode env TZ=EDT date force date to display time in EDT timezone TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Saskatchewan date show date and timezone for Saskatchewan eval 'dircolors .dircolors' set colours for ls dircolors -p >.dircolors create a default profile for colours expr 45 + 5 evaluate expression factor 100 factor number into primes fbresolution returns resolution of frame buffer fbdump > console-screen.ppm take a screen capture of the text console fbset --info display info on frame buffer device settings fbset 640x480-60 set frame buffer to 640x480 at 60 hz refresh rate note that this sets 80x30 with 8x16 pixel box (only use this when using the text console!) fbset 1024x768-85 fbset -move left move the display to the left fbset -depth 15 set display depth to 15 bits per pixel fbset -g 640 400 640 400 4 set resolution, visible resolution and depth /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb run fdisk on usb 2.0 drive /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/pda run fdisk on usb 1.0 drive to show partitions /sbin/fdisk -v display version of fdisk /sbin/fdisk /dev/sda used this to start a slackware install fdformat /dev/fd0H1440 low level format a 1.44 floppy fdformat /dev/fd0u1722 low level format to 1.722 /sbin/mkbootdisk 2.4.20-20.8smp make a linux boot disk with a label /sbin/mkbootdisk --device /dev/floppy /sbin/mkfs -t ext2 -c /dev/fd0H1440 make a ext2 file system on a floppy file -F ' ' * | grep 48 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs cp -t /usr/local/share/pixmaps find files with 48 attribute and copy them to /usr/local/share/pixmaps find --version display version of find find / -perm +111 -name file -print find file with any executable permission set find . -inum -exec rm {} \; find file by inode number and remove find . -type d -maxpdepth 1 list directories find . -type f -perm +1 list executables find . -type f -perm +1 | xargs ls -d list executables and format output find ~ -size 5000k | xargs ls -l list files larger than 5 megs find / -user apache -print find files owned by apache find / -perm -002 -type d find world writeable directories find . -iname readme.txt find file using case insensitive match find / -user username | xargs rm -rf delete all files owned by username find . -size 0 -type f -print0 -exec rm -i {} \; delete all files size zero find -L . -type f ! -size 0 find all non-empty files find / -name '*.c' -exec ls -l {} \; find all files with .c and list in longform find . -name "*.jpg" -exec cp {} /home/cubeman/jpg \; find all jpg files and store in /home/cubeman/jpg find /path/to/disk -iname '*.pdf' -type f -exec cp --backup=numbered --target-directory ~/target/folder {} + backup all pdf files find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm to delete all files in a directory if rm returns "arg list too long" find . -size +65536c | xargs ls -l | more find files larger than 64k find /var -user ftp find files in /var owned by user ftp find *.1 -type f -maxdepth 0 find files ending in .1 in current directory only find ./ -type f | xargs grep -i "hellwig" look for hellwig in current directory and include all subdirectories find . -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print find broken symbolic links free -s 1 Show free memory results every second ftp open ftp connection to ftp -p turns on passive mode sftp open secure ftp connection to (shows progress of file transfers) use get -r . to get everything sftp open secure ftp connection to sftp root@zaurus 4242 open secure ftp connection to zaurus on port 4242 sftp user@server://var/www/maxhost/other open secure ftp connection to specific directory sftp user@server://home/user/file.txt transfer file.txt from user@server ftpput -v -u user -p password /home/user file upload a file to fuser -vn tcp 80 show if there's anything on port 80 fuser -k /hd1 kill any process accessing /hd1 fuser -k /mnt/cdrom kill any process accessing /mnt/cdrom getconf PAGESIZE return the page size in bytes getconf ARG_MAX return the maximum number of arugments gethostip Get host ip for git clone git:// get the xawtv3 repository git clone get coreboot code git pull git --version display version of git gpm General Purpose Mouse server /usr/sbin/gpm -v show gpm version grep [.] mame.txt | wc count literal "." grep " 1"[.] mame.txt | wc count literal "1." grep -n '[,].*[,]' file show lines with more than one comma grep -E [Cc]olou?r show lines with Colour, colour, Color or color grep -i blah * search for blah ignoring case grep -r --include "*.c" getchr . search for getchr in c files recursively grep -A 5 word file.txt search for word in file and print out 5 lines grep for grep and print out 2 lines grep -r -i "hellwig" . recursively search for files containing "hellwig" cat yyy.txt | grep -e 500 -e 600 grep for 500 and 600 in file yyy.txt cat file.txt | grep -v | grep -v find lines not matching and egrep -i 'one.*two' * search for lines containing 'one' and 'two' groups displays all the groups groups cubeman display the groups user cubeman is in groupadd test add group test groupdel test delete group test /sbin/grub runs the grub shell /sbin/grub --version display version of grub shell grub> /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 try this if grub doesn't boot pgrep sendmail check if sendmail is running gzip -9 file.tar gzip a tar file with maximum compression, creates file.tar.gz gzip -9 *.mpeg gzip a group of mpeg files gzip -d file.gz decompress file.gz /sbin/hdparm -Tt /dev/hdc test hard drive speed /sbin/hdparm /dev/hda show concise information /sbin/hdparm -I /dev/hda show detailed information including serial number /sbin/hdparm -c1 -d1 /dev/hdc turn on dma and enable 32 bit support, put in /etc/rc.d/rc.local host lookup ip address for hostname display hostname hostname change hostname htop interactive process viewer (see also top) htop --version display version of htop httpd -v print version of httpd and exit httpd -V print build info of httpd and exit /sbin/hwclock -r read Hardware Clock and print time on standard output /sbin/ifconfig shows all ip addresses and MAC address /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 1452 sets value of mtu /sbin/ifconfig -a show all interfaces even if down "ip addr" is the equivalent command /sbin/ifconfig plip0 down shut down plip0 /sbin/ifconfig plip0 pointopoint up setup plip between two computers /sbin/ifconfig eth0 promisc put eth0 in promiscuous mode /sbin/ifconfig eth0 -promisc turn off promiscuous mode /sbin/ifconfig sl0 display status on slip /sbin/ip link list all network interfaces ipcs provide information on ipc facilities ispell file check spelling of file ispell -a check spelling of standard input (gives suggestions) e.g. at the prompt $ ispell -a $ type words here /sbin/ksyms display exported kernel symbols last shows last logins and logouts last -a list hostname in last column last -d -f wtmp.1 shows older logins with ip addresses last -x | grep shutdown | head -1 show last shutdown ldconfig configure dynamic linker run-time bindings note: do this after compiling and installing new libs located in /sbin ldconfig -p Print lists of directories and candidate libraries stored in current cache ldd programs display a list of the shared libaries each program requires ldd --version display version of ldd along with version of gnu libc less file file perusal filter or pager similar to more note that this is generally the pager used by the man utility G goes to end g goes to start ^G shows filename init n set runlevel n 0 - Halt 1 - Single-user mode 2 - Not used (user-definable) 3 - Full multi-user mode 4 - Not used (user-definable) 5 - Full multi-user mode (with an X-based login screen) 6 - Reboot (tip: If X messes up you can go init 3 then back to init 5 via ssh) /sbin/init q reset all getty processes sudo iwlist wlp2s6 scan scan wifi network (dev can be wlan0) jobs list current jobs jobs -l list current jobs with PID kill -l display a list of signals kill -s 4 18564 send signal (illegal instruction) to process 18564 this should force a core dump kill -STOP 16143 tell process 16143 to pause kill -CONT 16143 tell process 16143 to continue killall mplayer kill all processes named mplayer killall -9 mplayer kill mplayer with SIGKILL killall -9 gconfd-2 kill gconfd-2 (had to do this to get gnome apps to work) killall -3 mutt send SIGQUIT signal to mutt killall bonobo-activation-server Had to kill the bonobo-activation-server to get realplay to work killall mingetty reset terminal services /usr/sbin/kudzu detects new or changed hardware ln -s /home/cubeman/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ create a symbolic link to in /home/cubeman/.mozilla/plugins so that java will work in mozilla 1.5 ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_05/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ needed so that java will work for firefox 1.5 ln -s /var/www/maxhost/alex public_html make a link to web files in user's home directory ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Toronto /etc/localtime set timezone ln -s /home/cubeman/.mozilla/plugins ~/.gnuzilla get mozilla plugins to work with icecat ln -s /mnt/usb2/art art link to a directory on the usb drive via art ln -sf scd0 /dev/dvd make a link from scd0 to /dev/dvd ln -sf scd1 /dev/dvd make a link for 2nd dvd player /usr/sbin/lpc status Displays the status of one or more printer or class queues lp file print out file lp -d canon file print out file to destination canon lp -d HP print out ps file to HP lp file.pdf print out pdf file lpc line printer control program lprm -a all flush all print jobs lpq show all print jobs lp -o cpi=17 file print file using 17 characters per inch lp -d hp-laserjet -o cpi=12 -o lpi=8 -o page-left=54 checkerboard-numbers.txt lp file -n 4 print out 4 copies of file lp file -P 1 print out first page only lpadmin -x HP delete printer HP sudo lpadmin -d hp-laserjet set system's default printer lpinfo -m show all supported printers lpstat -p -d see a list of available printers lpstat -l shows long list of printers, classes or jobs ipcs -a display info on process communication /usr/local/lib/ipsec verify Check install for freeswan (must be root) /sbin/iptables -nvL Check rules for iptables /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP block /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP block all 212.9.*.* /sbin/iptables -F flush all rules /sbin/iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers List existing chains with line number /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 20000:65535 -j DROP block a range of ports /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 123 -j DROP block attacks on ntpd (port 123) block tcp /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j DROP block attacks on ntpd (port 123) block udp /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT accept from port 22 /sbin/iptables -D INPUT 6 delete rule 6 cp `locate file` . copy file to local directory cp /mnt/c/rrr ~/rrr -r copy directory and all subdirectories cp -v *Concerto*09* /mnt/usb1 when copying files to a usb device like an mpeg3 player it's useful to see that each file successfully copies **Probably best to umount usb device before disconnecting cable** cp test.txt{,.bak} copy test.txt to test.txt.bak cp "$STR"/*.mp3 . -v copy mp3 files from directory contained in variable STR isodump shows contents of an iso file lastlog examine lastlog file logger "today I added a USB drive" log stuff to /var/log/messages ls -1 list files in a single column ls -author list files by author ls -i list files by inode ls -lh list files in long format but with human readable form (time is only displayed for files younger than one year) ls -l --full-time show all time and date information ls -Slh list files sorted by size ls -lt list files in long format sorted by time ls -rt list files sorted by time in reverse order ls -lR / | grep -i .jpg list files with jpg, JPG, Jpg, etc extension ls | grep -i hamburg list file names containing hamburg ls -Slh | awk '{print $5}' parse 5th field ls | awk '{print $NF}' parse last field ls | grep -i juno list files with juno, not case sensitive ls | grep -i 'byte' list files with byte anywhere in the filename ls *[Jj]uno* list files with Juno or juno ls *[1-2][0-9][0-9]* list files containing numbers 100 to 299 ls *[[:digit:]]* list files containing a number ls -Ifile.png list all files not matching file.png ls | wc -l list all files and show count ls -ld /proc/*/fd/* 2>&1 | fgrep '(deleted)' list all deleted files held open by processes ls --color=never list files without using colours ls -d h* list directory entries and files starting with h ls -d */ list only directories ls | head -n5 list only the first 5 lines ls access_log.* -t | head -n 1 list the newest access_log file ls ~- list the previous directory ls {6col.q,ddiswap.q} -l list the files 6col.q and ddiswap.q in long format ls *{145..148}* list files containing the numbers 145 to 148 ls /dev/pts/ list the pseudo terminals in use ls --full-time list files and always show the year lsattr list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system lsattr -d /tmp/foo/. show immutable bit for a directory /sbin/lsmod list kernel modules currently loaded /usr/sbin/lsof -i list internet open files /usr/sbin/lsof -L1 enable listing of file link counts, where they are available /usr/sbin/lsof -v display version of lsof /usr/sbin/lsof | grep /mnt show open files on /mnt /usr/sbin/lsof | grep /dev/dsp show open files on /dev/dsp /usr/sbin/lsof | grep /dev/ttyS show if serial ports are in use (lircd uses this device) /usr/sbin/lsof -p 567 show open files for process 567 /usr/sbin/lsof | grep libc | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq check for open files that are linked to glibc /usr/sbin/lsof | grep access_log check to see what is holding up apache access_log /sbin/lspci show motherboard and card info /sbin/lspci -vv show all info (works best as root) /sbin/lspci -vv | grep HCI look for all types of Host Controller Interfaces /sbin/lspci -v -s $(/sbin/lspci | grep ' VGA ' | cut -d" " -f 1) display info on video card /sbin/lsusb list all usb devices lsusb -v -d 03f0:0805 list more info on device m4 > generate man ascii information about ASCII man boot general description of boot sequence man charsets programmer's view of character sets and internationalization man fdformat Low-level formats a floppy disk man ftw display info on file tree walk man hier description of the file system hierarchy man intro an introduction to Linux commands man ipopd an introduction to the Post Office Protocol server man iso_8859-1 information about ISO 8859-1 character set man mwmrc info on Motif Window Manager Resource Description file man named Internet domain name server man UIL user interface language file format man proc notes on process information pseudo-filesystem man unicode notes on unicode man -a usleep Get all pages for usleep, not just first match man -k vi Find all man pages which refer to vi man mkdir | less +/-m skip to first occurrence of mkdir -m man -w bash list the pathname of the manual page man -s 2 time display entry on time from section 2 man sane-rts8891 list info on sane backend for rts8891 based scanners man -w ps display the location of man page source file for ps man 7 X display man pages on X man 7 glob display info on globbing pathnames man mkfs.ext4 display info on making ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem (newer linux only) man XrmGetResource display info on function XrmGetResource man ./ if there is a slash in the filename man will interpret that as a file specification man svgalib display info on the low level graphics library for linux man sane-usb USB configuration tips for SANE man mbox Format for mail message storage (newer linux) man xorg.conf display man page for configuration of Xorg X server man Consortium X Consortium information man /usr/local/share/man/man1/wine.1 look at the wine documentation man2html cube_motif.6 > cube_motif.html convert man page to html /sbin/mkdosfs -s 8 -F 32 /dev/sdb1 creates a FAT32 partition with a cluster size of 4KB regardless of the partition size /sbin/mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sda1 format as FAT32 partition mkdir /hd1/pics/{dir1,dir2,dir3} create /hd1/pics/dir1 /hd1/pics/dir2 /hd1/pics/dir3 mkdir -p /iso/dir1 create /iso/dir1 and make parent directories as needed mknod /dev/usb/scanner0 c 180 48 make character device for usb scanner mktemp test.XXX make a temp file test with a random number extension mount -a mount all filesystems found in /etc/fstab mount -l list all mounted volumes and their type mount -t iso9660 -o loop -vv test.iso /mnt/g/ mount iso file test.iso at /mnt/g/ mount -o loop file.img /mnt/somewhere mount img file file.img at /mnt/somewhere mount -o loop -t udf UDF_Volume /mnt/r1 mount udf image at /mnt/r1 mount -o rw,remount /system remount /system as read-write (needed for android) mount -o ro,remount /system remount as read-only mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs mount ntfs partition at /mnt/ntfs mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt/c mount msdos partition at /mnt/c mount -t nfs server:/mnt/usb2 /mnt/nfs mount directory /mnt/usb2 remotely on /mnt/nfs mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb1 mount usb hard drive mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb1 -o umask=0000 mount usb hard drive so users can read and write files (this is only needed for non-linux filesystems) mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb2 mount 2nd usb device mount /mnt/floppy mount disk in 1st floppy drive /dev/fd0 mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/usb2 mount flash drive (note that there is always a number at the end of the device name, e.g. /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdf1 etc) mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb4 this is how I mounted a 4 meg compact flash card using a card reader mount -o loop -t msdos Setup.img /mnt/dos this is how I mounted a 720k diskette image for dos mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb this is necessary to get lsusb to work mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom mount cdrom on PCI SATA/IDE card netstat -pan show all network activity netstat -pant same as above but only show tcp information netstat --protocol=inet show active internet connections newaliases rebuild /etc/aliases.db (needed after editing /etc/aliases ) nslookup query Internet name servers interactively nohup fics run fics so that it's immune to hangups od -x file show file in hexadecimal od -v -An -txC file.bin > file.txt dump binary file to text representation of hexadecimal od -a a.out show file in ascii passwd user set up password for user passwd -l user lock account for user paste one.txt two.txt output columns from both files combined together patch file file.patch patch a file php -v display php version php -m display modules pkg-config --list-all display information about all installed libraries pysheng " download books and magazines pysheng " --page-start=0 sometimes pysheng skips the first page, --page-start=0 fixes this perl -MCPAN -e shell start up CPAN perl Makefile.PL execute a perl makefile perl -ne 'print if /\/\*/ .. /\*\//' *.c | more perl -lane 'push @a,@F;END{print "@a[0..9]"}' testo.txt print out first 10 words of testo.txt ping -c 5 wait for 5 reply pings from ping -I eth1 ping from interface eth1 to ping -M do -s 1472 ping with packet size of 1472 bytes ping -V display version of ping pkill -KILL -u user kill all the processes of a user pkill mplayer kill any process running mplayer pkill -f unknown kill unknown sshd processes pmap -d pid display information about memory mappings for pid (process id) pom display the phase of the moon pom 1965100100 display phase of moon for Fri 1965 Oct 1 01:00:00 pr lem-rotate.c | lp pipe output from pr to lp printf '%d\n' 0x1e print decimal value of 0x1e printf '%x\n' 23 print hexadecimal value of 23 printf '=%.0s' {1..100} print out equal sign 100 times pr -o5 -e4 math1.c | lp -d hp print out program listings with margin printtool configure printer ps -efw | grep defunct look for zombie processes ps -efw --cols 200 run ps with screen width 200 ps -efw | cat run ps with no truncation at all ps -u nobody show processes run by usr nobody pstree show a tree of processes python -V display version of python python run a python program python -c 'print(u"\u2019")' print out unicode character pydoc -g display documentation for python modules qsopcast qt frontend for sopcast quota user display disk usage and limits for user redhat-config-date configure date and time redhat-config-keyboard configure keyboard for redhat/fedora redhat-config-kickstart configure kickstart files redhat-config-mouse configure mouse for redhat/fedora redhat-config-network configure network redhat-config-packages configure packages for redhat from cdrom redhat-config-packages --isodir=/mnt/g/ Same but iso's are at /mnt/g/ redhat-config-printer configure printer redhat-config-proc kernel tuning for redhat-fedora redhat-config-rootpassword configure root password redhat-config-security-level configure firewall redhat-config-services configure services redhat-config-soundcard configure sound card redhat-config-users configure users redhat-config-xfree86 configure display settings redhat-logviewer view redhat logs rename .jpeg .jpg *.jpeg rename .dsk .old *.dsk rename all *.dsk files to *.old rename s/-/:/ * rename files so that - is converted to : (may not work with older versions) rename ca gb ca-test1 rename first two characters of a file reset reset terminal settings rm -r directory remove directory and all contents rm file remove file (or link) rm -- -file remove a file with a dash in it rm -i *.txt remove files with confirmation rm -f -r ". ." * remove all files plus strange file ". ." rm !(test) delete all files except test (shopt -s extglob) rm *.jpg *.png delete all files with jpg and png extensions rpcinfo -p print a list of all registered RPC programs /sbin/rmmod usb-storage remove module usb-storage /sbin/rmmod udf remove udf module /sbin/insmod usb-storage load module usb-storage (had to reload when I added the hub) /sbin/insmod -f usbide force load of module usbide (needed this to get BF-2001 to work) /sbin/insmod soundcore load module soundcore (had to reload when trying to update oss drivers) /sbin/insmod es1371 load module es1371 (had to reload to get ensoniq card to work) /sbin/insmod parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7 load module parport_pc and use irq 7 /sbin/modinfo bttv display info about a module /sbin/modinfo binfmt_misc Kernel Support for miscellaneous (your favourite) Binary Formats v1.1 /sbin/modinfo eeprom I2C EEPROM driver /sbin/modinfo -l bttv display license for a module /sbin/modinfo -p nvidia display parameters for a module /sbin/modinfo vga16fb display info on legacy VGA framebuffer /sbin/modinfo vgastate display info on VGA state save/restore /sbin/modinfo cn display info on generic userspace <-> kernelspace connector /sbin/modinfo atyfb display info on FBDev driver for ATI Mach64 cards /sbin/modinfo 3c59x display info on 3Com 3c59x/3c9xx ethernet driver /sbin/modinfo scanner USB Scanner Driver 0.4.13 /sbin/modinfo shpchp standard hot plug pci controller driver /sbin/modinfo em28xx display info on Empia em28xx based USB video device driver /sbin/modinfo via686a VIA 686A Sensor device /sbin/modinfo microcode Intel CPU (IA-32) microcode update driver /sbin/modinfo mii MII (Media Independent Interface) hardware support library /sbin/modinfo minix /sbin/modinfo tulip display info on Tulip ethernet driver /sbin/modinfo radeonfb framebuffer driver for ATI Radeon chipset /sbin/modinfo iTCO_wdt Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver /sbin/modprobe -c show current configuration /sbin/modprobe ehci-hcd necessary to get usb 2.0 card to work /sbin/modprobe i2c-proc necessary to read sensors (check sensors.txt) /sbin/modprobe plip necessary to use plip (Parallel Line Internet Protocol) /sbin/modprobe es1371 load sound card driver /sbin/modprobe virtio_console /sbin/modprobe vga16fb load vga16 frame buffer /sbin/modprobe radeonfb load radeonfb frame buffer (see also fbset) /sbin/modprobe lp needed this to get parallel port printer working /sbin/modprobe tun load Universal TUN/TAP device driver (network tunnel/bridge) /sbin/modprobe fuse load Filesystem in Userspace (sshfs needs this) /sbin/route show or change the ip routing table /sbin/route del plip0 remove a route to plip0 /sbin/route add default gw route packets via a gateway /sbin/runlevel display runlevel rpm -e tux-2.2.7-3 remove tux rpm -qa List which packages are installed rpm -qa | grep tux see if tux is installed rpm -qf /bin/ls show which package contains /bin/ls rpm -qf `which pwd` show which package contains pwd rpm -qlif /usr/bin/nsupdate show which package contains /usr/bin/nsupdate with more information rpm -qpl krubik.rpm list files inside krubik.rpm rpm -e --nodeps mysql remove mysql without checking dependancies rpm -U package upgrade package rpm -i --force coreutils rpm --rebuilddb force reinstall of coreutils rpm --query --changelog glibc | head look at latest changes to glibc rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -idv extract files from rpm without installing cd /var/lib/rpm Fix stale locks when rpm gets stuck rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* rpm -rebuilddb Rebuild rpm database rxvt4apl -fn apl8x13 execute rxvt4apl with font apl8x13 rxvt4apl -fn saxlarge execute rxvt4apl with font saxlarge for soliton apl sed '15,329 w ggg' hhh > /dev/null write line range 15-329 from file hhh to ggg sed -e 's/12\/02\/09/07\/30\/10/' test.txt > test1.txt change 12/02/09 to 07/30/10 sed -e 's/^/prefix/' file > file1 add prefix to the beginning of each line in file and store in file1 sed -e '/^#/d' /etc/services | more print out /etc/services not including lines starting with # sed -n -e '/main[[:space:]]*(/,/^}/p' program.c | more print out only main function of program.c sed -n '275,1p' /usr/lib/pm-utils/pm-functions print out line 275 of file pm-functions seq 1 10 output sequence from 1 to 10 seq -s\ 1 1000 output sequence from 1 to 1000 delimited by space seq -s ' ' 1 2 9 output sequence 1 to 9 increment 2, delimited by space setleds +num turn on num lock (only works on text console!) setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us set keyboard layout to us /sbin/service --status-all show status of all services note that service is a shell script /sbin/service apcupsd stop stop apcupsd (must stop apcupsd to run apctest) /sbin/service apcupsd start start apcupsd (needed to communicate with ups) /sbin/service crond stop stop crond daemon /sbin/service cups restart restart cups (common unix printer system) /sbin/service gpm restart restart gpm (general purpose mouse server) /sbin/service httpd restart restart web server /sbin/service lircd restart restart LIRC daemon /sbin/service mysqld restart restart the mysql server /sbin/service network restart restart network /sbin/service ntpd stop stop ntpd /sbin/service sendmail start start sendmail /sbin/service smb status check status of smbd and nmbd /sbin/service sshd stop stop sshd /sbin/service syslog status show status of system logger (must be root) /sbin/service syslog restart restart syslogd and klogd (used after deleting maillog) /sbin/service vsftpd restart restart vsftpd (very secure ftp daemon) /sbin/service xinetd restart restart the super server setfont drdos8x16 change console font to drdos8x16 setfont iso10.16 change console font to iso10.16 shopt -s cdspell turn on cdspell, will correct misspellings with cd command shopt -s extglob turn on extended pattern matching facilities showrgb uncompile an rgb color-name database (list colours) /sbin/shutdown -r -t 0 now shutdown and reboot system immediately /sbin/shutdown -h -t 0 now shutdown and halt immediately /sbin/shutdown -Fr now shutown and reboot immediately and run fsck on reboot sleep 5 ; beep sleep 5 seconds then beep smbclient \\\\\\CA open a link to my windows box e.g. cd "Program files\winboard" get cubebox cubebox smbpasswd -a cubeman add smb user cubeman stat -c %a file display numeric permissions for file strace command > strace.txt 2>&1 trace system calls and signals and save to strace.txt strace xcalc 2>&1 | egrep '(open|Missing.charsets)' > /tmp/str check to see which system calls xcalc is using strace -etrace=none -o/tmp/2638.trace -p2638 trace system calls for process 2638 strace -c pwd trace system calls for pwd stty -a show terminal settings stty -F /dev/cua0 get settings for serial port 1 (obsolete, use ttyS0 instead) stty -F /dev/ttyS0 115200 set 1st serial port to 115200 stty -F /dev/ttyS0 ospeed 9600 stty rows 46 set terminal to use 46 rows stty sane set all special characters to default values stty erase ^? used this to get delete key to work with ssh su -m switch to super user but retain environment sudo !! run previous command as super user sudo EDITOR=vim visudo edit visudo file with vim /sbin/swapon /mnt/g/SWAP enable files or devices for swapping tail --version display version of tail tail -f /var/log/secure check secure in real time tail -c 10000 /var/mail/cubeman show last 10000 characters of mail tail -1 test.txt display the last line of test.txt tracepath traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path /usr/sbin/tcpdump -i eth1 show traffic on eth1 /usr/sbin/tcpdump port 80 show traffic for port 80 /usr/sbin/tcpdump host -X -s 128 watch traffic from fics showing packets in hex and ascii showing up to 128 bytes tcpdump -i eth1 -s 1500 port not 22 monitor traffic not on port 22 up to a size of 1500 bytes /usr/local/sbin/tcpdump portrange 6665-6669 watch irc traffic (newer tcpdump only) /usr/local/sbin/tcpdump src port 80 watch incoming requests to web server /usr/sbin/tcpdump --version show version tcpdump -v arp watch ARP traffic time ./size222 times execution of a program { time ls; } 2> time.output direct output of time to file time.output time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l -q calculate pi to 5000 places top shows dynamic info about cpu and memory top --version display version touch file Update the access and modification times of file touch {1..20} create files 1 through 20 trap "echo 'exiting'; exit " 2 break out of script on ctrl-c tty print file name of terminal connected to standard input type -a command return how command would be interpreted ulimit -c 100000000 turn on core dumps ulimit -v 50000 limit virtual memory to 50 megabytes ulimit -v unlimited set no virtual memory limit ulimit -a show all limits umount -l /dev/sda1 lazy umount of /dev/sda1 (used when regular umount failed) uname -a displays operating system info uniq names.txt > unique.txt Place unique lines only in unique.txt units converts units units --version display version of units units '25.25 degrees' 'deg;arcmin;arcsec' convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds units 'tempC(20)' 'tempF' convert from celsius to fahrenheit units -t 'tempC(0)' 'tempF' same conversion with terse option units '45 kg' 'lbs' convert kilograms to pounds uptime shows time since last reboot uptime -V display version of uptime useradd -G wheel test add user test to the wheel group vi /proc/2678/status check status of pid 2678 vi -r list recoverable files vi --help display help for vi vmstat report virtual memory statistics vsftpd very secure ftp daemon '/usr/sbin/vsftpd &' edit /etc/vsftpd.conf for settings whatis png search the whatis database for png whatis word search the whatis database for word /usr/bin/makewhatis create or update the whatis database wmctrl -k on show desktop wmctrl -d display info on window manager X -version prints out version of X X -configure generate basic xorg.conf xev print contents of X events xinetd eXtended internet services daemon '/etc/init.d/xinetd restart' x11perf -all X11 server performance test program, run all tests xfontsel select an X11 font xlsfonts list fonts available for X xmame -scale 2 scramble -rp /home/cubeman/roms -grabkeyboard example of running xmame xset b off turn off beeps xset m set mouse speed to default settings xset m 2 0 set mouse speed to twice as fast xset m 3/2 set mouse speed to 3/2 xset led on turn on scroll lock led xset fp rehash execute this after adding a font xset r on turn on repeating keys xset dpms force off turn off monitor xset -dpms turn off dpms xset s blank set screensaver to blank xset s off turn off screensaver xset s noblank set screensaver to not blank xset q show status info xset r rate 660 25 set a good value for key repeat xset led 3 turn on scroll lock LED xset -led 3 turn off scroll lock LED xvinfo display X-Video extension adaptor information xvidcap --cap_geometry 400x240 prepare to capture a window of size 400x240 xvidcap --cap_geometry 1024x768 --fps .5 capture screen every 2 seconds xvier -fn 10x20 xvier (connect 4 game) with different font bash shell ---------- . file execute file in current shell rather than a subshell ^cd^vi replace previous command cd with vi $? variable returns exit status of last command edit .bash_profile add 'export TMOUT= 600' for 10 minute autologout export -p display all the environment variables export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" adjust where the pkg-config directory is export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 hack for older software export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/e/kde-old/usr/lib hack for old KDE programs export PATH=$PATH:/home/cubeman/bin add to the path export DISPLAY=:0 use this to run X programs in ssh DISPLAY=":0" xchat & use this to run xchat via ssh on X server DISPLAY=":0" xchat irc:// & run xchat on a specific server DISPLAY=:8.0 xrubik run xrubik on a different display export MALLOC_CHECK_=1 more tolerant against simple errors of free unset MALLOC_CHECK_ to return to normal operation export TZ=America/Toronto set TZ variable for Toronto time export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 tell applications to use UTF-8 export LC_ALL=ISO-8859-1 tell applications to use ISO-8859-1 export TERM=xterm-color needed this for htop to work while using ssh export TERM=vt100 needed this for sbopkg to work while using ssh export TERM=xterm needed this for modern ssh working with vi set list all shell variables set -o noclobber set shell so files aren't overwritten, e.g. echo X > test.txt will not overwrite file test.txt set +o noclobber turn clobber back on setterm -dump 1 dump screen of tty1 ctrl-a move to beginning of line ctrl-c terminate command ctrl-e move to end of line ctrl-k deletes everything immediately after the cursor ctrl-l clear screen ctrl-r searches history ctrl-u cut line ctrl-w deletes word immediately before the cursor ctrl-x delete entire line, bs = backspace ctrl-x e hold ctrl and press x then e invokes $EDITOR ctrl-y undo last delete ctrl-z suspends current task ctrl-_ different undo ctrl-p previous command (up arrow) ctrl-n next command (down arrow) alt-. display last argument for last command alt-l make word lowercase alt-u make word uppercase fc 1 10 fix commands 1 through 10 bg jobspec puts task in the background fg jobspec puts task in the foreground alias show current aliases alias abc='echo abc' set up alias for abc unalias abc remove alias for abc bash --version display bash version bash -c uptime Execute bash with command uptime bash -r execute bash as restricted shell LC_ALL=C bash -c xcalc execute xcalc with different locale (fixes problem 'Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion') cd - return to previous directory #time prefacing commands with # turns them into comments !79:p print out command 79 but don't execute !string execute last command that starts with string bind '"\e[24~": history-search-backward' bind the history-search-backward command to function key f12 bind '"\e[24~": "ps -efw | more\n"' bind the "ps -efw | more\n" command to function key f12 place in .bashrc command || echo 'command failed' run command on the right of double pipe only if the command on the left has failed echo $? echo last return code echo $- display state of bourne shell flags echo $_ display last argument of previous command echo $:1 echo first argument of previous command echo x{1,2,3} example of brace expansion, outputs x1 x2 x3 echo {0..12} echo the numbers from 0 to 12 echo {a..z} echo the letters from a to z (note this will not work on older bash versions) echo {!BASH*} display all variable names that begin with BASH echo ~- display $OLDPWD echo -ne '\033[28;123456t' change tab color in konsole to lime green echo -ne '\033[28;6291584t' change tab color in konsole to purple echo $BASH_VERSION display version of bash echo $COLUMNS and $LINES display the number of columns and lines for current terminal echo $EUID display the effective user id of the current user echo $SHELL display full path to shell echo ${SHELL:0:4} display first 4 characters of path to shell echo ${SHELL/a/i} echoes /bin/bish (replaces first a with i) echo ${SHELL//a/i} replaces all instances of a with i echo hello world | festival --tts use standard input with festival echo "My Message" | wall echo message to all users, kde will show via kwrited echo TEST | tee test echo TEST to stdout and also to file test echo TEST > /dev/stdin | wc echo TEST to stdin and pipe output to wc echo "control alt keycode 101 = SAK" | /bin/loadkeys map the SAK (Secure Attention Key) to keycode 101 echo "obase=16; 10"|bc convert decimal 10 to hexadecimal echo "ibase=16; FFF"|bc convert hexadecimal FFF to decimal echo "obase=6; 6144" | bc convert decimal 6144 to base 6 echo "obase=2; 8800" | bc convert decimal 8800 to binary echo "This is a test" > /dev/pts/6 echo message to a particular tty echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan rescan the scsi bus echo "65.44 * 8.44" | bc -l do command line math calculation help test display help on bash functions, e.g. test reset PS1 to default PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ " STR="hello"; echo $STR set a variable unset STR unset a variable STR=$(locate tclock.c) similar to backticks source ~/.bashrc sometimes needed in /etc/profile also useful for reloading after changes to .bashrc umask print value of user file-creation mask zshell ------ ls test<8-23> list filenames test8 through test23 inclusive rm ./*(D.L0) delete all empty files X shortcuts ----------- shift-numlock toggle mouse emulation with keypad (see also kde shortcuts) kde shortcuts ------------- ctrl-esc look at processes ctrl-alt-esc kill the window you click on next (hit esc again to cancel) ctrl-alt-f1 go to text screen 1 ctrl-alt-f7 go to graphics screen 7 ctrl-alt-backspace kill session ctrl-alt-delete logout/shutdown ctrl-alt-plus change to next video mode ctrl-alt-minus change to previous video mode ctrl-alt-d toggle minimize all ctrl-alt-l lock session ctrl-atl-n open new konsole ctrl-alt-v show klipper menu ctrl-alt-pause Secure Attention Key or SAK (needs to be enabled) ctrl-tab walk through desktops alt-f1 display kde menu alt-f2 display run dialog (type logout here to logout) alt-f3 display windows operation menu hit m then use arrow keys to move focused window hit s then use arrow keys to resize focused window alt-f4 close window alt-f10 maximize window alt-f12 toggle mouse emulation with keypad use keypad arrow keys (not numpad) to move mouse pointer use keypad enter key for left-click press del followed by ins for right-click (kde 3.4.2 this was changed to ctrl-shift-numlock) alt-backspace delete line alt-tab walk through windows alt-keypad + volume up alt-keypad - volume down ctrl-alt-R manually invoke action on current clipboard ctrl-print desktop screenshot shift-left cycle through konsole sessions shift-backspace delete entire line in konsole keys within konsole ------------------- shift-left shift to the next tab on the left shift-right shift to the next tab on the right ctrl-shift-left move the current tab to the left ctrl-shift-right move the current tab to the right right-click in main konsole window to restore menu bar if hidden (plus other options) middle mouse button hold to move tab left or right keys within icewm ----------------- ctrl-alt-n switch to virtual window n (where n is 1,2,3,4) keys within bash ---------------- Ctrl-h delete a character Ctrl-l refresh and clear screen Ctrl-k erase line right of cursor ctrl-u erase line left of cursor Ctrl-r search history Ctrl-y paste Alt-. return last argument of previous command keys within mplayer ------------------- > next song SPACE toggle pause v toggle subtitles p pause (step frames using .) / and * adjust volume 1 and 2 adjust contrast. 3 and 4 adjust brightness. 5 and 6 adjust hue. 7 and 8 adjust saturation h and k change channel (k = increment, h = decrement) I shows filename keys within lynx ---------------- ESC help menu ^N scroll down keys within firefox ------------------- f1 help f3 find f7 turn caret browsing off or on ^D bookmark a page ^J activate search bar ^L open location ^Q quit ^R refresh page ^R-shift refresh (override cache) ^T open tab ^W close tab ^U show page source alt-home go to homepage alt-left back alt-right forward alt-s show history esc stop ctrl-b display bookmarks menu ctrl-shift-a display add-ons ctrl-shift-del clear history ctrl-shift-o organize bookmarks ctrl-shift-enter expands name in url window to ctrl-shift-t reopens last closed tab ctrl-shift-y show downloads ctrl-0 return to normal zoom ctrl-end go to bottom of page ctrl-mouse-wheel adjust text size to set home page: drag icon from left of the URL window to Home button keys within xchat ----------------- tab switch highlight to next window space activate highlighted window ctrl-h pulls down help menu ctrl-l clears screen files ----- $HOME/.bashrc called by .bash_profile $HOME/.bash_history bash history file $HOME/.bash_profile start up file for bash (executed for ssh login) $HOME/.dircolors configuration file for dircolors (also called .dir_colors) $HOME/.fvwm2rc configuration file for fvwm $HOME/.gconfd/saved_state had to delete this file one time due to a gnome error $HOME/.mail_aliases mutt address book $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/lqe27rm7.default/Cache cache files for firefox are stored here $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports/pending crash reports for firefox $HOME/.mplayer/config config file for mplayer $HOME/.muttrc mutt configuration file $HOME/.mwmrc Motif Window Manager Resource Description file $HOME/.ssh/ public keys stored here $HOME/.vimrc start up options for vim $HOME/.wine directory for wine files $HOME/.Xauthority store credentials used by xauth for authentication of X sessions $HOME/.Xauthority-c and $HOME/.Xauthority-l caused problems so they were deleted $HOME/.Xdefaults defaults file for X (filename must be set by XENVIRONMENT) evidently this is old and obsolete $HOME/.Xresources set resources for X (replaces .Xdefaults) $HOME/.Xclients created by Red Hat Desktop Switcher, uses .Xclients-default $HOME/.Xclients-default determines which desktop environment will run as default $HOME/.xchat2/urlhandlers.conf specifies actions when a URL is clicked $HOME/.xsession used by custom session in kdm $HOME/.xsession-errors xession errors are stored here $HOME/.kdetest/share/apps/kaffeine/playlists kaffeine playlists are stored here (or .kde) e.g. Techno.kaffeine which is an xml file $HOME/.kde/share/apps/easysok user solutions for easysok are stored here $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konsole sessions for konsole are here $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konsole/profiles profiles for konsole are here $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kradio/stations.krp configuration file for kradio $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ksysguard ksysguard worksheets are here $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages kooka stores scans here $HOME/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc configuration file for kdesktop $HOME/.kde/share/config/khotkeysrc configuration file for khotkeys $HOME/.kde/share/config/kpdfpartrc sets number of columns in kpdf $HOME/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc file for restoring kde session $HOME/.kde/share/config/scannerrc configuration file for kooka $HOME/.kdetest/share/config/kmixctrlrc start up file for kmixctrl $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/playlists playlists for amarok are stored here $HOME/.kde/share/config/KWeatherServicerc configuration file for kweather $HOME/.kde/share/config/weather_panelappletrc additional configuration file for kweather $HOME/.kde/share/config/konsolerc configuration file for konsole $HOME/.kde/share/config/kaboodlerc configuration file for kaboodle $HOME/.kde/share/config/kickerrc configuration file for kicker (controls what appears on startup) $HOME/.kde/share/wallpapers downloaded wallpapers go here $HOME/Desktop directory for desktop files $KDEDIR/lib/pkgconfig directory for pkgconfig $KDEDIR/share/apps/konsole directory for konsole files $KDEDIR/share/autostart kde directory for applications to autostart $KDEDIR/share/config/klipperrc configuration file for klipper $KDEDIR/share/config/kdm/kdmrc alternate location for kdmrc file $KDEDIR/share/wallpapers directory for kde wallpaper /boot kernels stored here /boot/grub/grub.conf configuration file for grub /boot/grub/menu.lst symbolic link to grub.conf (some systems use this instead) /dev/fb0 frame buffer /dev/kmem kernel memory /dev/parport0 parallel port /dev/pts/8 pseudo terminal /dev/usb/scanner0 scanner device /dev/vcsa0 virtual console memory /etc/Muttrc global configuration file for mutt /etc/aliases alias file for sendmail /etc/crontab tables for driving cron /etc/cron.hourly directory for scripts to run hourly /etc/cron.daily directory for scripts to run daily /etc/cron.weekly directory for scripts to run weekly /etc/cron.monthly directory for scripts to run monthly /etc/fb.modes sample video modes /etc/fonts/fonts.conf configure system fonts /etc/fstab static information about filesystems /etc/group groups are set up here /etc/hosts static table lookup for host names /etc/hosts.allow hosts which are allowed to use the local INET services /etc/hosts.deny hosts which are NOT allowed to use local INET services /etc/hotplug/blacklist Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it /etc/inittab describes processes that are started at bootup getty and agetty options are configured here /etc/inputrc sets global mappings for keyboard, personal values in ~/.inputrc /etc/issue pre-login message and identification file /etc/ describes where the libraries are for linker /etc/logrotate.conf configure logrotate /etc/log.d/scripts/shared directory that has some perl scripts for maintaining logs /etc/log.d/scripts/shared/removeservice talkd perl script seems to remove server talkd /etc/lxdvdrip.conf configuration file for lxdvdrip /etc/modules.conf configuration file for loading kernel modules /etc/modprobe.conf configuration file for modprobe /etc/motd message of the day (shown at login) /etc/mtab informaton about mounted filesystems /etc/ntp.conf configuration file for ntp /etc/pam.d/sshd configure pam for sshd /etc/protocols lists the TCP/IP protocols supported by system /etc/resolv.conf resolver configuration file /etc/shells list of installed shells /etc/securetty lists ttys from which root can log in /etc/services network services file /etc/sudoers configuration file for sudoers /etc/sysctl.conf preload/configuration file /etc/vimrc global config file for vim /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf configuration file for apc ups daemon /etc/cups/printers.conf printer configuration file for cups /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf configure apache /etc/init.d directory containing bash scripts for controlling services /etc/init.d/hplip restart restart hplip (Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing project) /etc/init.d/cups restart restart cups /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc another location for kdmrc /etc/mail/genericstable reverse-map local users for out-bound mail /etc/mail/virtuserstable maps virtual addresses into real addresses /etc/mail/local-host-names all aliases or virtual domains should be here /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf system wide configuration file for mplayer /etc/profile.d/ java setup file /etc/rc.d firewall scripts here /etc/rc.d/rc.local startup script for local /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd startup script for apache /etc/ssh/sshd_config configure sshd (remember "X11Forwarding yes" for x2x) /etc/syslog configure syslogd options /etc/rc.local local system initialization /etc/rc.sysinit more system initialization /etc/security/limits.conf allow users to set low nice values /etc/sysctl.conf change overcommit here /etc/sysconfig/mouse configuration file for mouse /etc/sysconfig/network set hostname here /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 network setup /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf configure vsftpd /etc/xinetd.d/daytime configure daytime service /etc/X11/XF86Config configure X Server (including mouse) /etc/X11/xdm/pixmaps directory containing *.xpm files /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc system xinitrc file /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession system Xsession file used by xdm /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2199.nptlsmp/build/drivers/usb source code for usb drivers, e.g. scanner.c /lib/firmware firmware files are kept here (newer linux only) /opt/Qtopia/doc/qtopia/start.html docs for Qtopia /proc/20749/fd file handles in use by process 20749 are here /proc/bus/usb usbfs is normally mounted here /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq sets system request on if 1, off if 0 /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory file contains the kernel virtual memory accounting mode. values are: 0: heuristic overcommit (this is the default) 1: always overcommit, never check 2: always check, never overcommit /usr/include/stdio.h C standard library header /usr/include/X11/bitmaps bitmaps are here (xpm files which are text) /usr/lib/kde3 some kde3 libaries are here /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles kde3 style files /usr/lib/libc.a statically linked c standard library /usr/lib/X11/bindings bindings alias file /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB virtual keysym database (OSF key bindings) /usr/local/etc directory for configuration files (standard configure) /usr/local/games directory for games /usr/local/include directory for include files /usr/local/lib directory for libraries /usr/local/lib/vice directory for vice includes rom files /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig directory for package config /usr/local/share/fonts another directory for fonts /usr/local/share/man/manm directory for local miscellaneous man pages /usr/local/share/regina rexx files are here /usr/local/sbin locally installed system administration programs /usr/libexec/geomview directory for geomview modules /usr/share/apps/kmid/maps/ midi map for kmid /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions desktop files for kdm /usr/share/apps/konsole/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/actions additional icons for konsole are here /usr/share/apps/kstars/Cities.dat cities data for kstars /usr/share/backgrounds directory for backgrounds /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc configuration file for kdm /usr/share/config/kdm/Xwilling should kdm allow X11 sessions without a willing user /usr/share/dict/words wordlist /usr/share/doc/aplus-fsf-4.22.4 documentation for aplus /usr/share/fonts/TTF directory for TTF (True Type Fonts) /usr/share/fonts/OTF directory for OTF /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps directory for system icons /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services shows services and port numbers /usr/share/pixmaps directory for program icons /usr/share/sounds directory for sounds /usr/share/terminfo directory for compiled terminfo entries /usr/share/timidity/instruments/ directory for instruments for timidity /usr/share/wicd/gtk/ client for Wired and Wireless Network Connection Manager /usr/share/xpaint/help directory containing help files for xpaint /usr/share/zoneinfo directory containing timezone data /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults directory that contains files for required resources newer versions of Linux/BSD use /etc/X11/app-defaults /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose how to interpret keystroke combinations that use compose key /usr/src/linux-2.4.22-1.2199.nptl/Documentation directory for documention on linux kernel e.g. SAK.txt, kernel-parameters.txt and kernel-docs.txt /usr/src/linux-2.4.22-1.2199.nptl/drivers/video/vesafb.c source code for vesa frame buffer /usr/src/linux- information on error correction for newer linux kernels /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux- information on adaptec aha152x controller /var/cache/yum/updates-released/packages yum caches packages here /var/ftp/pub directory for ftp server /var/log/cups/access_log log file for cups /var/log/kdm.log log file for kdm /var/log/ log file for prelink /var/mail/maxhost /var/mail is linked to spool/mail /var/spool/mail received mail is stored here note that /var/mail is linked to spool/mail /var/www/maxhost/usage directories used by webalizer /var/spool/clientmqueue /var/www/cgi-bin cgi-bin scripts echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward turn on ip forwarding echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward turn off ip forwarding variables --------- $$ contains the process id of the shell $DIRSTACK An array variable containing the current contents of the directory stack $DISPLAY shows :0 $HISTSIZE number of entries for .bash_history $LANG display language variable (e.g. en_US.UTF-8) $TERM usually set to xterm $XAUTHORITY sets which file is for .Xauthority $XENVIRONMENT sets which file sets the defaults for X within browser -------------- check which version of flash is installed http://localhost:901/ run swat to configure samba http://localhost:631/admin configure cups http://localhost:631/printers/ view printers configure mldonkey ctrl-backspace delete line in URL window about:blank about:cache?device=memory about:config about:mozilla about:plugins about:overbite about:support about:preferences (these may be mozilla specific) space page down shift-space page up alt-left go back alt-right go forward ctrl-shift-delete clear recent history f6 goto url window konqueror specific ------------------ for konqueror, remember to add arguments for xboard _manually_ otherwise it won't work! e.g. xboard -ncp -lgf %s applications:/ shows available applications fish:// browse files remotely within konqueror gg:text search search google for text media:/ show mounted devices man:/# show man pages index man:/mke2fs show man page for mke2fs file.iso in konqueror right-click on iso file activates k3b automatically konqueror --profiles list the available profiles konqueror --profile filemanagement run konqueror as a file manager konqueror --profile kde_devel bring up the kde api reference konqueror -mimetype inode/directory lan:/ show lan konqueror -mimetype inode/directory settings:/ show settings chrome or chromium specific --------------------------- chrome://chrome/settings/content set click to play chrome://chrome/settings/help display version of chrome chrome://help display version of chrome (newer) chrome://downloads show downloads chromium --diagnostics run diagnostics on chromium